The Burpee Squad
Private group
55 members
$25 /month
Welcome to the Burpee Squad!
This squad of men is dedicated to our physical fitness as our foundation and personal growth as our future.
We use burpees and other functional exercise as a baseline for our fitness and strength.
We use burpees as the vehicle for growth. We open our minds and our hearts through physical exertion to become better leaders in business, family, and life.
We have world class trainers in powerlifting, martial arts, Olympic performance, spiritual guidance, and emotional grounding who teach classes.
This is the foundation that every busy man and leader needs in his life.
It’s about performance alignment: Body > Mind > Heart > Spirit
Any man can start where he's at, and we will build you up.
If you don't know how to do a burpee, we will teach you.
Join the squad today to be part of a movement of men who are dedicated to being, doing, and having the best in life.
It comes from within us. Everything follows.
Take charge of your life - roll with the squad now for masculinity
The Burpee Squad
This is a group for men who want to get super strong and improve themselves in all domains.
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