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The importance of dietary cholesterol
Cholesterol is a substance produced by the liver and present in every cell of the body. Its role is to essentially render cells waterproof, creating a protective barrier between the cell’s interior and exterior. This means that cholesterol is a component of every cell’s membrane. Consuming merely 200mg of cholesterol daily, roughly the quantity found in one egg yolk, signals the body to prompt the liver into generating an additional 800mg from raw materials such as fats, sugars, and proteins. Since 2015, the United States has removed the upper limit for cholesterol and dietary fat intake. Heart disease was rare before the 20th century, and major medical textbooks did not address coronary heart disease. Today, it is estimated that cardiovascular disease claims 17 million lives each year. Cholesterol is essential for the body, with 25% of it located in the brain, which itself is composed of 60% fat. A lack of cholesterol can be fatal. Notably the liver produces over 80% of the body's cholesterol, with only a small portion coming from diet. Furthermore, 25% of the body's cholesterol is found in the brain, and about 70% constitutes the myelin sheath, the outer layer of our nerves. Upon initial review, the cholesterol guidelines from the US and Europe seem to exhibit notable differences. Both regions recommend statin therapy for adults with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (CVD), type 1 or type 2 diabetes, and possible familial hyperlipidaemia. However, the 2011 ESC/EAS guidelines from Europe also recommend therapy for adults with severe hypertension and chronic kidney disease (CKD), while the ACC/AHA guidelines in the United States do not automatically include these groups for statin therapy. Understanding lipoproteins fats and cholesterol Lipoproteins act as transport systems that manage the types of fats, such as HDL and LDL, and their movement throughout the body. Lipids, which include fatty acids, triglycerides, and cholesterol, are carried by these lipoproteins. Imagine lipoproteins as vessels transporting fats. Since triglycerides, cholesterol, and fat-soluble vitamins are water-repellent, they require these lipoprotein vessels for transport in the body. The liver, with its receptors, regulates the circulation of cholesterol. Suboptimal liver function can impair cholesterol regulation. Cholesterol is vital for muscle repair and various cellular functions. Hence, in cardiovascular disease, increased cholesterol levels are observed in the affected areas. However, cholesterol is not the cause of the problem; rather, it is delivered there by the lipoprotein vessels to aid in addressing the issue.
Rethinking fibre
Trouble with gas and bloating? Symptoms of IBS or autoimmune conditions? Suffering from low mood or depressive symptoms? Then please read on.... Let’s put fibre into context. ​What is fibre? Fibre is simply the human indigestible forms of chains of sugars. Chains of sugars that we call polysaccharides, multiple sugars linked together, in a particular way that human intestines have lost the ability to breakdown and absorb. Sugar comes into the gut in two forms, as absorbable sugar, whether it's starch, glycogen or sugar, and as non-absorbable sugar, which we call fibre. The indigestible forms of polysaccharides are collectively called fibre. Fibre contains the sugar link bonds which cannot be broken down by human enzymes and the human intestine does not contain bacteria such as funguses unlike vegetarian animals which can break fibre down and turn it into fatty acids that can then be absorbed. ​Fibre is unabsorbable and therefore deemed to be indigestible. ​From your mouth to your anus, the tube that runs through the body, is outside of the human body. The tube called the intestine continues from the mouth open (outside of the body) to the anus (outside of the body). ​Fibre cannot be absorbed by that tube (the intestine) that's outside of the body. Therefore, fibre has NO nutritional value to the human body. ​There are two forms of fibre, Insoluble fibre, fibre that does not dissolve in water, which sucks water up but does not dissolve in water. - Cellulose is an insoluble dietary fibre made up of glucose polymers that are found in all plant cell walls. Examples of foods that contain cellulose include leafy, green vegetables like kale, Brussels sprouts and green peas. - Hemicelluloses are composed of diverse sugars, and can include the five-carbon sugars xylose and arabinose, the six-carbon sugars glucose, mannose and galactose, and the six-carbon deoxy sugar rhamnoseis. Found in legumes, wheat bran and wholegrains.
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Rethinking fibre
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How to workout on The Carnivore Diet. Gain muscle mass and reduce visceral & subcutaneous body fat
You don’t have to work out on the carnivore diet but exercise, especially high intensity interval training such as sprinting or resistance exercises to muscle fatigue, has been shown time and time again to give many physiological health benefits. So, if you are able to exercise this will help improve your health and your results, and can speed up fat loss while at the same time helping you build muscle. Some people, due to their health, may not be in a position to exercise however, but the carnivore diet is not something that only works if you exercise. Some people think that a high fat meat-based diet will make you gain weight and lose health without exercise, but nothing could be further from the truth. Think of animals in the zoo that are essentially sedentary, but once fed their proper diet are very lean, strong, and healthy. The same goes for us as well. I use the X3 bar system, which is an amazing way to work out at home, along with other methods, which was developed by Dr. John Jaquish. The workouts can be done in 10 minutes and it’s compact and light so you can take it with you when he's traveling. The system uses very strong elastic bands that provide variable resistance throughout the exercise, and better matches your strength curve. What this does is maximize the benefit that you gain from resistance exercising in a lightweight form that can travel with you. However, if you don't have access to a gym or a home gym system like the X3, body weight resistance exercises to muscle fatigue is not only acceptable but very beneficial. Traditional cardio is fine but HIIT exercises and sprinting give multiple physiological and health benefits that far surpass grinding out cardio on the treadmill. Training outside is also a good way to go as you’re getting the benefit of sun exposure while you’re working out which is great for your circadian rhythm, vitamin D, and mental health. If you're looking to develop a lean, athletic and strong physique without smashing yourself at the gym or starving yourself then you should join my 30 day Carnivore Challenge. I take a natural approach where you optimise your health with nutrition, sunlight exposure and short intense exercise, which leads to a lean, strong and attractive physique. Please DM me for details on how to start the Carnivore challenge safely, and reap the benefits of resetting your gut bacteria, reducing inflammation, boosting your mood and more.
How to workout on The Carnivore Diet. Gain muscle mass and reduce visceral & subcutaneous body fat
Supplements on the carnivore diet
What Supplements (If Any) Should You Take On The Carnivore Diet? This is a question that comes up all the time on my 30 day Carnivore Challenge. It's time to clear the air and and give you all the information you need to decide whether supplements are right for you. On a carnivore diet you get all the nutrients you need, in the perfect proportions, simply by eating lots of fatty meat, salting your meat to taste and drinking water. Long term carnivores, and those with no nutrient deficiencies, don't need to take any supplements at all. None. Period. Plants blocks nutrient absorption. This means that you actually need to consume less of some vitamins and nutrients when you're on a carnivore diet than you would on a SAD diet. For example, fatty meat contains a small amount of Vit C (organ meats and seafood contain more) but this is all you need because nothing is blocking the nutrient absorption. When you reduce carbs/sugar your body absorbs more vitamin C, as vitamin C and carbohydrates compete for the same metabolic pathways. That's why orange juice is such a poor source of vitamin C! But, you need to keep a few things in mind: - Most people come to the carnivore diet with nutrient deficiencies from eating a SAD diet and this is a big problem. If you're concerned, we recommend getting a blood panel test done and then you can take supplements (and/or beef liver) to help you get back to a healthy level, this can take up to 6 months. For example, I often recommends a B12 shot. But maintaining these nutrient levels is entirely possible on a carnivore diet with NO supplements. - The 'healthy range' that most doctors use today isn't a true reflection of where you want your nutrient levels to be. These are simply averages of people in your area and those people probably have nutrient deficiencies too! So you often need far higher nutrient levels than what is being recommended. - Our soil has been depleted of nutrients so most food is not as nutritious as it used to be. This is another reason to buy pasture-raised and grass finished meat & eggs from regenerative farmers (or wild game if you can get it) as they will contain far more micro-nutrients. It also might mean you need to add a little liver to your daily intake of fatty meat.
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