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🌟 Welcome to The Collab Deal Hub! 🌟 (Introduce Yourself)
We're thrilled to have you join our Collaborative community, where Collaboration & Growth are at the heart of everything we do. Through sharing your current knowledge, your wins and even what you learned from your defeats, we can all learn and grow together.. Here are some steps to take to help you going forward in the community.... Introduce Yourself: COMMENT BELOW! Let's kick off by getting to know you better! Share a bit about your passions, your journey towards success, your aspirations for the future, any hurdles you're currently conquering, and a fun fact about yourself! Remember to include: #Agent if you're focused on increasing your listing footprint and #WholesaleInvestor if you're all about Unlocking your deal potential. This ensures we can spot your introduction and extend a warm welcome your way! Engage and Participate: Don't be shy! 🙈 let's discuss and interact with fellow members' posts. Our community thrives on Collaboration and Support. You never know – your next big breakthrough or invaluable connection could come from any interaction! Aim high and let's climb the ladder together!
New comment May 9
Wholesale HUB
Are you an active agent ready to revolutionize your strategy when it comes to working with sellers and not only maximize your profits, but also Give sellers the Opportunity to Choose how they Sell their Home? Then the Wholesale Deal Hub is your go-to resource for success in this competitive real estate market. We will be posting tips here, to help you understand wholesaling and maneuver your way through becoming an agent that can diversify when speaking to sellers...
Wholesale HUB
Joint Venture - Deal Submission HUB
If you are looking to Collab on a few deals together, then here is where you can Submit your Wholesale and Novation Deals for a Joint Venture Opportunity. (Splits will be Discussed on Initial Call) We are excited to Partner with you and walk you through our Wholesale\Novation Deal Process. Simply click the link to access our submission form, fill it out to the best of your ability, and our team will reach out to you as soon as possible. The Collaboration Starts Here <--- Click this link to send me and my team a deal!
Joint Venture  - Deal Submission HUB
Overcoming the Hurdles
Novations saved the day!! I was working on a retail deal where the seller bought the property a year ago on a handshake, remodeled the house, and paid the final payment in April. We listed the property on the market and went under contract on an FHA loan in less than thirty days. However, we discovered that the seller never recorded any deed for the property until he made his final payment in April. He is now in the process of deeding the property over to his name. When the buyers went to put down earnest money, the title company put a stop to it because the property was not in the seller’s name. They said the deed had to be finalized before proceeding with the sale. The lender then stated that because it’s an FHA loan, and due to the 90-day flip clause, they would not be able to fund the deal. Consequently, we could no longer proceed with the sale. Enter the novation. We decided to cancel the filing of the deed, leaving it in the previous owner's name, and create a novation agreement with the previous owner. The new owner, who invested about $150,000 in rehab into the property, will now be able to sell it FHA. The previous owner will receive what they were supposed to on paper, and the new owner will receive the difference after his rehab, allowing the FHA loan to proceed and the property to be sold. This creative solution ensures both parties get what they deserve and the transaction can continue smoothly.
List Pulling - Live
I’ve had a lot of success lately with Mailers. I use a few different systems to clean before sending out If you’re interested in jumping in a zoom to see how I’m pulling lists and what systems I’m using. Raise your hand in comments. I will do a live as long as I can get 5 people Committed
New comment May 14
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The Collab Deal Hub
Using the Power of Collaboration to Increase Opportunities for Real Estate Agents and Wholesale Investors. The Real Estate Revolution is Here!!
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