God Told Me To Die..
last night, GOD told me; you have to die. no, not like in the spirit of a mad 13 year old from back in the day in an modern warfare2 game party, but in a different way that I have never experienced. and i want to share that with you guys.
I was watching the newest music video from Childish Gambino right. and it's this creative kind of horror inspired one, that was honestly a great video honestly. But thats when I started to get this familiar feeling I have felt before.
Visions of me, being a director of something like this, making my own music videos, which would then hopefully lead to hollywood picking me up to be a director, then from there, I can do what Donald Glover did and intertwine all my music making that I also do into one big creative project that I would get to put my name on everywhere. directed by andrew w, produced by andrew w, main character, andrew w. everything me.
See what you don't know is I have been living like this my entire life. As I have grown up watching similar people like this, Kanye, Tyler the creator, many others, it has lead to me trying to emulate them. I mean i was once a music producer, then got bored because it took to long, then tried to make commentary youtube videos, then tried to make movies, whatever the algorithm was feeding me, I was consuming. I found identity in being this creative guy, with all these visions of what i was going to be, and 25 years of life later, here I am with no progress in any of it.
I am saying this because God telling me this last night, has broken down pretty much much of who I thought I was. And has left me with the realization that the enemy could be selling you the wrong vision of who you really are supposed to be.
You might be saved now, by the grace of God, but still carrying your worldly desires with you. And i am telling you you might have to do die too.
The Bible Says "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" Mark 8:36. dont lose your soul for some cheap things where with time, it will all rot away. store up your treasures in heaven. what treasures could that be? souls! that is the only treasures you can store up in heaven. That is what we are called to do, our great purpose.
you might have these visions, but oh if i only haad enough money, if only your family life was okay, but listen to this. If at the core, glorifying god is not the sole intention behind what you do, then it is not from God. And you have to evaluate what you always thought you wanted to become, and if it really aligns with God's purpose for you. if you find that it doesn't you must put it to bed, take up your cross to what you really are supposed to be doing. that will take prayer, getting things wrong, but in the end, a peace in knowing it's your divine calling.
so yes, God did tell me to die, die to the worldly desires, and you should too. you are not Him, glorifying yourself will only lead to an empty road we have already seen so many others hit a dead end at.
Do you have anything you are receiving from god that you need to die to? Comment yours below. Have a great day men!
Andrew Williams
God Told Me To Die..
The Faith Forge
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