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Where the next generation of Christ-centered men go to experience the community of brothers theyโ€™ve been searching for.


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5 contributions to The Faith Forge
The Hidden Sin NO ONE Is Talking About
There are 7 sins, right, right? lust, sloth.. man that might just be telling on my biggest ones lmao But while I really do believe though all sins are equal, there's one that really goes under the radar that you and I might be committing and not thinking much of And that sin issss gluttony, yup fat little fattys you and I are being, and trust me, I have probably committed this way more than I can count, you can see in my past videos I was definitely working through that. and in that time, I was not even able to pass by a mcdonalds without stopping for a mcgriddle. I mean I would literally drive to work everyday at 6:30 in the morning, and I had the McDonalds app on lock to where I could secure that FRIED CHICKEN mcgriddle and Diet Coke every morning for like $3 , I mean the drive thru ladies mustโ€™ve been concerned for my health. I knew It was bad, it felt bad like sin everytime, and guess what? thatโ€™s because it was. I think gluttony is special in a way because of how it can really be like a gateway sin to other sins sometimes Yknow, I would always have this reputation with my family, if Drew is coming over ( my family name for me), If Drewโ€™s coming over, make an extra batch of rolls because he is coming for em. And they were not wrong I could easily put half a dozen down before even getting started of my dinner. Then once youโ€™re so full, it feels like your body doesnโ€™t even have enough energy to properly think. No science at all to back this up but I do believe if you let your guard down and not be vigilant at all times for any opportunities, the enemy will tempt you into putting the needs of your body before your needs of your God. And what are those needS? Well, 1 Peter 5:8 says to Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Look to your God, and be aware of any attacks, and food just might be that. But the real problem that stems from something like food addiction, is how we might downplay something we call an eating โ€œproblemโ€ when it really is a sin. A full, deadly sin.
God Told Me To Die..
last night, GOD told me; you have to die. no, not like in the spirit of a mad 13 year old from back in the day in an modern warfare2 game party, but in a different way that I have never experienced. and i want to share that with you guys. I was watching the newest music video from Childish Gambino right. and it's this creative kind of horror inspired one, that was honestly a great video honestly. But thats when I started to get this familiar feeling I have felt before. Visions of me, being a director of something like this, making my own music videos, which would then hopefully lead to hollywood picking me up to be a director, then from there, I can do what Donald Glover did and intertwine all my music making that I also do into one big creative project that I would get to put my name on everywhere. directed by andrew w, produced by andrew w, main character, andrew w. everything me. See what you don't know is I have been living like this my entire life. As I have grown up watching similar people like this, Kanye, Tyler the creator, many others, it has lead to me trying to emulate them. I mean i was once a music producer, then got bored because it took to long, then tried to make commentary youtube videos, then tried to make movies, whatever the algorithm was feeding me, I was consuming. I found identity in being this creative guy, with all these visions of what i was going to be, and 25 years of life later, here I am with no progress in any of it. I am saying this because God telling me this last night, has broken down pretty much much of who I thought I was. And has left me with the realization that the enemy could be selling you the wrong vision of who you really are supposed to be. You might be saved now, by the grace of God, but still carrying your worldly desires with you. And i am telling you you might have to do die too. The Bible Says "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" Mark 8:36. dont lose your soul for some cheap things where with time, it will all rot away. store up your treasures in heaven. what treasures could that be? souls! that is the only treasures you can store up in heaven. That is what we are called to do, our great purpose.
God Told Me To Die..
Hey guys, I will pin this for all new comers to introduce themselves. Thanks for joining the community guys, super excited for the growth we will all have here under Christ and to answer Gods calling for our lives. Iโ€™m Andrew, Iโ€™m 25, living in Florida, USA! After some great miracles in my life, I had no choice but to follow the Father. More testimonies on that to come, but I have just seen so much growth in myself and fruit in my life that cannot be described other than being God touched! Now I have had it on my heart to put that investment back into other Christian men that are struggling in their walk. I also would love the community for myself as sometimes the fellowship in my life has more to be desired, so I figured to create the solution rather than complain about the problem. Your turn, god bless!
What are you going through?
As a man, a lot of the things we are going through can get swept under the rug. Either by our perception of how it will be received, or a harsh reality that how we feel might be reacted to negatively. I want to tear down those walls and welcome biblical fellowship for you, a place where you can share your stuff without the threat of being judged. I want to open the floor to this community to actually talk about some hardships you might be going through, or some commonplace issues you see going on with men in this day and age. Let us know how we can pray for you, or we can come together to help provide solutions to our brothers in need.
Welcome to the next generation.
Welcome to The Faith Forge! If you joined, you are committed to being the next generation of Christ-centered men. But what does this mean? You see the fruit of the world we live in now that is the product of everything being backward. Men are lonelier than ever, more passive than ever, so much so that the women in the world have had to step up for the men's incapability to step into their calling. This community is a free community for men that want to be different, that want to be the change they want to see in the world. It's so easy to point the finger at the problem instead of being the solution. What is the solution? To be the best man possible under Christ's love utilizing His principles He has given us, and developing the kingdom mindset. As we go on, I will post more about these. This community has so many things to come, including but not limited to: - Maximized Manhood course, of me teaching the exact same biblical manhood principles that have revolutionized my life - Weekly calls, including meet and greets, biblical discussions, and overall biblical fellowship. - Guest speakers General rules for this community: - Emulate Christ love for one another, as we are the example of His disciples (John 13:35) - No nudity or posts that would otherwise cause brothers to stumble - No excessive profanity - No spamming just for points or self promotion. if you are just trying to promote yourself instead of actual participate, you are not welcome. - No tearing down of another brother. Please use constructive criticism and rebuke, as we are to be invested in each other's growth in Christ
1-5 of 5
Andrew Williams
4points to level up
I help Christian men find the community they've been looking for. Join my community, NXTGENMEN for more!

Active 6m ago
Joined Jul 25, 2024
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