The Hidden Sin NO ONE Is Talking About
There are 7 sins, right, right? lust, sloth.. man that might just be telling on my biggest ones lmao
But while I really do believe though all sins are equal, there's one that really goes under the radar that you and I might be committing and not thinking much of
And that sin issss gluttony, yup fat little fattys you and I are being, and trust me, I have probably committed this way more than I can count, you can see in my past videos I was definitely working through that. and in that time, I was not even able to pass by a mcdonalds without stopping for a mcgriddle. I mean I would literally drive to work everyday at 6:30 in the morning, and I had the McDonalds app on lock to where I could secure that FRIED CHICKEN mcgriddle and Diet Coke every morning for like $3 , I mean the drive thru ladies must’ve been concerned for my health. I knew It was bad, it felt bad like sin everytime, and guess what? that’s because it was.
I think gluttony is special in a way because of how it can really be like a gateway sin to other sins sometimes
Yknow, I would always have this reputation with my family, if Drew is coming over ( my family name for me), If Drew’s coming over, make an extra batch of rolls because he is coming for em. And they were not wrong I could easily put half a dozen down before even getting started of my dinner.
Then once you’re so full, it feels like your body doesn’t even have enough energy to properly think. No science at all to back this up but I do believe if you let your guard down and not be vigilant at all times for any opportunities, the enemy will tempt you into putting the needs of your body before your needs of your God. And what are those needS? Well, 1 Peter 5:8 says to Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Look to your God, and be aware of any attacks, and food just might be that.
But the real problem that stems from something like food addiction, is how we might downplay something we call an eating “problem” when it really is a sin. A full, deadly sin.
Whether it be a little food problem, or a little porn problem just sometimes you know, know I just reallllyyyyy likee to make money, we all do it. The book Maximized manhood says “We have really psychologized the gosepel, and in the process, we have eliminated the word sin from our vocabulary “ as well as problems are more convenient than sins because we dont have to do anything about problems. if we say these things are just little problems we have, we make our selves believe we dont have to repent, or confess, or get rid of our habits.
But we keep struggling struggling struggling, trying to not have to let these problems out of us, thinking we can just handle it without God, where that is where you and I all go wrong. You know, God sent his son, to die for all of our sins, and giving them to Him is where they all go to die. If we are not fully transparent with Him, when He already knows, we are telling Him that we think we have more power over the one who created Us, and don’t trust his son as a valid source to get rid of our sin.
Also God commands us, not invites us, to repent of our sins and obey Him. If you do not bring these “little problems”, we are disobeying God.
Long story short, I haven’t had a Mcgriddle in a long time, by the grace of God, as well as really got control over my eating, because like a man, I recognized the little eating problem for what it was, trusted that God was there, and looked to Him for guidance instead of my own.
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Thank you and Ill talk to you soon, God bless
Andrew Williams
The Hidden Sin NO ONE Is Talking About
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