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Hi! Welcome aboard. This community is designed to help you master coding with a focus on practical, hands-on experience. From absolute beginners to seasoned developers, all are welcome. Introduce yourself in THIS THREAD and visit our classroom for more! Where are you from? What are you working on? Describe your ideal future coding journey. Okay, I will go first 🙂: My name is Gerhard. My mantra is "Coding, Teaching, Fun". I see coding as an art form — a process that starts with a blank canvas and ends with a product that can enhance people's work and living environments in various ways. With over three decades of experience, I remain as passionate as ever about taking on a tuff coding challenge, I spoil my dog, I still play music too load and I have a special place in my heart for people that strive to make something of their lives.
New comment Jul 22
Welcome! Introduce Yourself HERE
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The IT Course
"Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn." – Benjamin Franklin
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