The Just Lift League
Private group
39 members
Hello everyone! I would like to express my thoughts on this group and share my commitment to providing free fitness workouts and advice to all of you for several years. Unlike other creators who sell their workouts or withhold their secrets, I am determined to create a community where people from all walks of life can come together for the pursuit of fitness and health.
However, there are a few things that we kindly ask from all members:
First and foremost, please treat everyone in this community with respect. It is important to maintain a positive and inclusive environment, and we do not want to be forced to remove anyone due to their disrespectful behavior towards others.
Second, we request that you refrain from spamming the group with links or shamelessly promoting your own services. However, if you come across a helpful YouTube video or article that would benefit the community, feel free to share it.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.
The Just Lift League
The Just Lift League is a Free Fitness Community dedicated to providing free accessible workouts to our members.
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