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Coaching Call is happening in 22 hours
Temporarily stopping the community
Got some stuff to figure out, so there won't be calls for a little while until I solved the issue im facing.
Call in 3mins
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New comment Nov '23
Call in 6 minutes
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New comment Nov '23
Lets go!
Whats up fellas lets have a great productive day even if its 1 percent better lets hit those reps get that bag almost 馃friday!
New comment Nov '23
Hello everyone
Greetings!! My name is Ness glad to be apart of something a little bit about me .i strongly believe the gym is a strong foundation for any beginning of success i try to go 6 days a week but work makes that difficult . Not much of a gamer or anime person but i love attack on titans and old school final fantasy .I have always been into martial arts recently getting in to jiujutsu . I look forward to interactions here i have been a lone wolf for the past ten years i beleave men need brothers to hold them accountable thank you for accepting me lets all get strong together -Keep moving forward
New comment Nov '23
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