To kick things off, I'd like you to firstly acknowledge that we are in this together. I too am looking for further discipline myself, and I too crave victory. The difference: My journey began 2 years ago, where I found myself in high levels of obesity. I too live in the world where vaping is common, masturbation is the norm, and Islam ceases to exist in the hearts of most "muslims". The truth is that these things have occurred because of a lack of understanding, and therefore action has took place based on emotion and feelings, rather than rational thinking, and well-thought decisions.
The name of this group is relevant to myself because it was, and still is, one of my biggest motivators. Any time I found myself lacking motivation, I'd tell myself : "You are a soldier of Allah, a slave of Allah". Would a slave of Allah be easily influenced into making the wrong choices? No. If you yourself are not a muslim, I'd like you to try a similar method that may be relevant, and may motivate you. E.g. for my Christian brothers, you may see yourself as a follower of Jesus, or even a creation of God. Going slightly of track; I'd like to highlight that these differences in beliefs aren't barriers in this brotherhood, but instead they are actually bonds. There are many things I won't know about other religions, so the conversations that sprout from these differences will unite us rather than differentiate us.
On that note, I'd also like to welcome those who may not be a Muslim into our group. If you are religious, there may be similarities that can bond us together, rather than differences that separate us. I understand that I may reference to certain situations that may not be relevant to you, but it is important that you tailor those references to yourself, and try to find ways to benefit from them.
By joining this group, you have personally signed up to become a warrior. That means that you must be different. It means that you must no longer value the opinion of others, and instead use religion, discipline and this brotherhood to shape your life into one that elevates both yourself and your family to a new status.
The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said :
لَيْسَ الشَّدِيدُ بِالصُّرَعَةِ، إِنَّمَا الشَّدِيدُ الَّذِي يَمْلِكُ نَفْسَهُ عِنْدَ الْغَضَب
"The strong is not the one who overcomes the people by his strength, but the strong is the one who controls himself while in anger."
Here, we can see and understand the importance of mental strength not only to become strong and to become more masculine, but also its importance in religion as well. In modern society, people associate "masculinity" with aggression, anger etc. However, in reality, masculinity is the ability that a person can remain still, a person is not easily influenced by their emotions, but instead they base their actions on rational thoughts and well-thought decisions.
If you did read these paragraphs, you are already a step closer to your goals. It shows that you have the mental capacity and willingness to excel in life and to devote yourself to current hardship for future ease.
Think like a warrior, in order to see yourself become one. Mentality is a battle. Refuse the influence of your mind at times when motivation is low. "Take a drag of the e-cig", "It's only one sweet", "sleep that extra five minutes, you deserve it" - refuse all of this. Your mind is a prime example of the influence society has already had on you.
The only thing between you and your destination is the influence of society, and the discipline to refuse said influence - remember this.
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Bilaal Daud
Soldiers' of Allah
Welcome to "The Soldier's of Allah" – a brotherhood empowering young men to embody strength, discipline, and integrity as soldiers of Allah.
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