I spend multiple hours per day talking with healthcare workers about fitness, nutrition, stress, and the industry. One of the most common subjects that comes up is TIME.
Time--or not having enough--is a shared issue. There are things we must do, places we must be, people we must care for... and by the end of the day, there seldom seems to be time left for us.
It's true. We work in a crazy industry. It is stressful. It is hard. It is often unfair. But the clock does not stop. Nor does your life.
You have goals. And I want to help you reach them. To do that, we must develop a better understanding of your time and how you allocate it.
I do this by running a Time Audit. I send you a link to a Google Sheet, you fill it out, and we talk about it. All you have to do is comment below by telling me what letter grade you give yourself (A+ -- F) in Time Management.
Comment below and let's get the ball rolling!👍