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Switching to Discord soon
I love Alex Hormozi for partnering with Skool but Discord is way better, I will DM y'all soon with the link to join
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What is your goal in life?
Comment on this post what your goal in life is, go in-depth and explain why that is your goal. DON'T just post "make a lot of money" Why do you want to make money?
Success is a lonely road
No one is going to understand you If you are going through a lonely period in your life right now, I promise you that it means you are on the right track to success
Welcome Gentlemen! Shall We Begin?
This is only the beginning, don't worry there is more to come. Once we hit 50 members, we will start live calls, such as coffee hour at 7 am every morning just to chat and get to know each other better. Mastermind calls where we help each other discuss self development, making money online, and leveling up in every area of our lives. I will continue to add courses to the classroom and you guys can watch them at your convenience, some of them are very basic self development foundational courses for people who have no idea where to start but as we go on I will add more and more that provide tons of value I will send in daily lessons for everyone to listen to as well. If you don't believe in this community, I ask you to leave I am only looking for the 1 percent of people who want to create something special here. I am looking for people who stand out in this community and add them to my team. I am building a personal brand but I need a team to help me If you are serious about wanting your life to improve, I ask you to believe in a vision that this community becomes something so powerful and valuable that it is impossible not to be apart of. To the first 50 members in here, I want to thank you, this isn't going to happen overnight and it won't become what I want it to be for at least 6 months, I am playing the long game with this. Thank you for believing in me enough to join this community and I promise I will overdeliver.
New comment Feb 20
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The Order
A Brotherhood of young like-minded men who are looking to grow, level up, and conquer the world through their journey of self mastery
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