Mar 14 (edited) in Announcements
START HERE - How this group works
ACTION TO TAKE: Go to the CLASSROOM tab and complete the START HERE course - Once you have, leave a comment saying "Complete" and this will mark off your action item.
The aim for this group is to provide 3 things:
  1. A place to share all of my educational content with the goal of providing you with all of the knowledge you need to live your healthiest life. Go to the CLASSROOM tab to find the content.
2. A place that celebrates and rewards consistent action - no matter how small (unlike I have seen with many people who use Strava where they are often embarrassed to post "unimpressive" workouts).
3. A place to connect with others, encourage them, and learn from them. A common theme I have seen in working with clients and in my own approach to exercise is that making exercise social is the shortcut to making it happen consistently. It provides a level of accountability & support. But most, importantly, it makes it enjoyable and something you look forward to doing.
You get rewards by going in the draw for prizes by ticking off the daily check in post.
You also unlock rewards and content by leveling up.
You level up by receiving likes.
You receive likes by posting what you do, and receiving a guaranteed like from me, and hopefully, likes from others.
Consistency is action is the biggest barrier to health & performance that I have seen in my decade of working in healthcare and my own lifetime of ups and downs with my own exercise and health.
Figuring out how to stay consistent with exercise and healthy behaviours over a lifetime has become my obsession and now I want to share what I've learned and continue exploring this challenge together.
Accountability, support, and knowledge are three of the key factors for staying consistent in any aspect life but particularly exercise. This group is to try and solve those problems for as many people as possible in the most affordable way possible - FREE.
If you do need more tailored advice to your specific advice or tools like you a clear program to follow, then have a range of services available that can help you.
I have set up categories to post in based on generations.
I have done this because I want to create a group where there is interaction between different generations as some of my most positive exercise experiences have been exercising with my parents and people their age.
I strongly believe that while there is nuance to the difference in approach to exercise when you are aging, the fundamentals are still the same, so I wanted everyone to be in the same group to connect, encourage, and learn from each other.
But I also wanted to create a way of being able to see what other people around your age are doing as it, so I have set up the posting categories as generations.
You can filter your front page to posts just from specific categories by clicking the category, if you would rather only see what your peers are up to.
You can either, write a quick description of what you did, post a photo, share a screenshot, or take a video. Or any combination of the above!
Check out the pinned SAMPLE POST for ideas.
Just remember - there is no action too small to post. Staying consistent is about making small promises to yourself and keeping small promises. This helps keep you engaged and maintain your positive momentum and motivation.
The point is to capture what you did and make a record of it. A lot of the benefits of exercise don't happen while you are exercising - they come much later in the form of good health and function.
So, by capturing what you did, we can make what is otherwise a fleeting experience and turn it into a body of work that you can reflect on and learn from.
In the CLASSROOM section, you will find all of my educational content. Please go the START HERE course for a detailed breakdown of what to do and expect.
Keep an eye on the CALENDAR section for live calls and events.
You can track your consistency by clicking on your PROFILE and seeing your daily interaction squares going green each time you post and interact with others.
The SPEACH BUBBLE icon is how you access chats. You can message me or other people you know in the group here. But please do not send people you do not know messages. Doing so will get you banned from the group.
Click the SETTINGS menu item to change settings related to your account and to manage which NOTFICATIONS, EMAILS, and CHATS you want to receive.
You can click the LEADERBOARDS tab to see how many points you and others have accumulated from posting.
You can find out more about the group and find links to my products, services, and offers in the ABOUT section.
You will get notifications appearing in the BELL icon when someone comments on your post or when I post an announcement. If there is a post that that you and lots of other people are commenting on and you do not want notifications - make sure to unfollow the post after you have commented.
This group is a work in progress, and I am sure I will not get it right straight away, so I am always open to feedback or suggestions on how to improve it.
Being in this group does not constitute a physio to patient relationship.
Any educational content you consume here is general educational purposes and should not be taken as medical advice.
Always work with a professional who can take your specific situation into account and give you tailored advice.
That could be with me but that will involve 1:1 consultation.
You can message me by clicking the SPEACH BUBBLE icon if you are confused or need help.
Or email me at
Complete action
Phil White
START HERE - How this group works
Exercise Accountability Group
Consistency beats intensity.
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