Write something
Introduce yourself
Thanks for joining the group! Please comment below with: 1. Where you live 2. What your previous experience with exercise is 3. What you are hoping to get out of the group
Complete action
You can make your post as simple or as detailed as you like. I'll provide 3 examples here. SIMPLE - MEDIUM - DETAILED If you want specific technique advice from Phil, that is available in paid 1:1 sessions, coaching groups, or challenges. SIMPLE: Lower body gym workout - 13 mins. MEDIUM: Lower body gym workout - 13 mins 3 x 10 Leg press 3 x 10 Calf raises DETAILED: Lower body gym workout - 13 mins 3 x 10 Leg press - 50kg - 2 RIR (reps in reserve) 3 x 10 Calf raises on leg press machine - 50kg - 2 RIR Images could include but is not limited to: 1. Selfies from your session 2. Photo of you getting to the gym 3. Photo of a nice view from your run 4. Screenshots from your wearable or app of your workout 5. Photo of your workout buddies getting coffee together post session Images could include but is not limited to: 1. A video of you doing the exercise 2. A video of a nice view on your run 3. A verbal reflection/diary of your session
START HERE - How this group works
ACTION TO TAKE: Go to the CLASSROOM tab and complete the START HERE course - Once you have, leave a comment saying "Complete" and this will mark off your action item. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ WHAT IS THIS GROUP The aim for this group is to provide 3 things: 1. A place to share all of my educational content with the goal of providing you with all of the knowledge you need to live your healthiest life. Go to the CLASSROOM tab to find the content. 2. A place that celebrates and rewards consistent action - no matter how small (unlike I have seen with many people who use Strava where they are often embarrassed to post "unimpressive" workouts). 3. A place to connect with others, encourage them, and learn from them. A common theme I have seen in working with clients and in my own approach to exercise is that making exercise social is the shortcut to making it happen consistently. It provides a level of accountability & support. But most, importantly, it makes it enjoyable and something you look forward to doing. You get rewards by going in the draw for prizes by ticking off the daily check in post. You also unlock rewards and content by leveling up. You level up by receiving likes. You receive likes by posting what you do, and receiving a guaranteed like from me, and hopefully, likes from others. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ WHY I MADE THIS GROUP Consistency is action is the biggest barrier to health & performance that I have seen in my decade of working in healthcare and my own lifetime of ups and downs with my own exercise and health. Figuring out how to stay consistent with exercise and healthy behaviours over a lifetime has become my obsession and now I want to share what I've learned and continue exploring this challenge together. Accountability, support, and knowledge are three of the key factors for staying consistent in any aspect life but particularly exercise. This group is to try and solve those problems for as many people as possible in the most affordable way possible - FREE.
Complete action
Did you exercise today?
Check the box below. Create a post with what you did in your generation category with the "level of engagement". Photos and videos encouraged but not mandatory. Doing so will help others feel inspired to take consistent action. I (and others) will like your posts which will score you points that will lead to you levelling up to unlock rewards and go in the draw for weekly prizes. If you are not sure what exercise you should do, complete the Exercise & Health Audit Questionnaire to unlock a free 60-minute Health Strategy Session to help you get on track.-
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Exercise Accountability Group
Consistency beats intensity.
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