Discipleship Course
Unlock at Level 1
Discipleship Course
Welcome to the discipleship course hosted by the RROC! We are excited that you have decided to include us in your journey in strengthening your relationship with Jesus Christ! We want to encourage you to take this course seriously and watch every video diligently from beginning to end. That includes taking notes and jotting down any questions that you may have. Under the "Discussion Board" chat you will be able to post all of your questions and our leaders will be more than glad to answer them for you. Upon completion of this discipleship course, someone will reach out to you in regards to scheduling an interview. Please be advised that you are not an actual member of the RROC until you have successfully completed the interview process. Once the process is complete, you will be offered admission into the RROC Accountability Group where you will be held accountable by one of our deacons. We hope that you stay consistent with this discipleship process. Remember, it is a privilege to serve in the body of Christ! Matthew 24:13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
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