Prep School
Private group
69 members
$99 /month
Enrollment is Open!!! Price going up soon.
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The Prep School Membership walks you through how exactly you create a Mini Course Funnel based on one transformation you are giving your client. Plus so much more!
Create a 100k foundation in your business with automated ease.
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Here’s what you’ll gain immediate access to:
✅ The Mini Course Method™ ($1200)
✅ Foundations Course ($250)
✅ Monthly Calls with Angie ($300)
✅ Monthly Meta Ads Call ($450)
✅ Monthly Content Drops that will grow your business ($100-$500)
Total Value - $2,000 +, for a low monthly fee!
🔐 Unlock and Run organic and paid strategies to the mini-course. ($500)
🔐 Unlock more lessons on scaling your courses beyond 100k ($300+)
Prep School
The Mini Course Method™ helps online business owners make daily sales with a low ticket mini course funnel without having to take years to make 100k +
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