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Hello! Welcome to the Inner Temple. Our goal is to create a dynamic community of Tantric Warriors! Most people think Tantra is all about sex. And sometimes it is. But it's so much more! Here you will learn how to harness your powerful energies for vibrant health, deeper relationships, and spiritual evolution. We will explore sexuality, meditation, hypnosis, yoga, and energetic magic. And you will meet some really cool people. Let's get started! Begin your journey by checking out these links - Classroom - Roadmap - Mission - Resources - The Tantric Male Challenge (Digital Course) - The Tantric Male Book - Work Directly With Andy Eversole To get things going, please comment below and introduce yourself. Let us know... 1. Your name 2. What your most excited to learn about in the world of Tantra See you in the comments!
This Group Will Be Moving Sep 11!
Hi All! Thanks for being here and being interested in bettering yourselves with Tantra. I've had some life changes going on recently and haven't been able to manage this community as I had hoped. Going forward, this group will be changing homes. And it will be available only to paid members who have gone through the Tantric Male Challenge Course. That way, attendees will be able to be fully open in a space with others who share the same path and perspective. If you would like to stay up with the Facebook Group, which I will continue to manage and publish in, then join here > And if you would like to take the Tantric Male Challenge and join us in the private group, sign up here > Some of you have already joined the challenge and gone through the course. You will be moved into the new membership site as we continue our journey. In any case, thank you so much for being here. I look forward to seeing you on the path and bettering ourselves and the world with the power of Tantra. Much Love, aE
This Group Will Be Moving Sep 11!
Your Human Superpower
Meditation is the human super power. Connecting simultaneously with the creator and with the backroads and highways of your mind. For one, because they are the same. Meditation gives you the power of focus, the gift of relaxation, and the courage of creating your own reality. You exist between each breath, every beat of the heart. As you exhale the colors of your innermost beliefs, you paint the world. Your broadcast determines, not only your life, but the energies that surround you. This creates a ripple effect that pulsates through the Universe like an infinite wave. Ready to learn the power of meditation and apply to your everyday? Start here with the Beginner's Guide to Tantra >> Or sign up for a Free Consultation Call to discover the possibilities of One-On-One Sessions >> Explore and Enjoy! aE
Your Human Superpower
Happy 4th Everyone!
Wherever you are around the world and in your life, it's July 4th here in the USA, and I love to celebrate the freedoms that we enjoy here. Sending you all much love and peace of mind. Oh yeah, it's also Tantra Tuesday! Enjoy
Happy 4th Everyone!
Masters of Meditation
We consistently hear about the importance of meditation for our lives, business, and mental health. The mystics and shamans of the ages have all sang its praises throughout the entirety of human history. But in a more practical and modern way, nearly every successful CEO or entrepreneur points to mediation as one of the foundations of their achievements. If you read the biographies or listen to interviews with the most prosperous of us, nearly every one suggests a meditative practice. Steve Jobs, Tony Robbins, Sam Ovens, Ray Dalio, and Tim Ferriss are just a few of the luminaries that profess the benefits. But what actually is meditation? What kind of magical science is this? To some, it feels like a distant exotic art, practiced by monks sitting in a temple at the top of a snow-covered mountain. To others, it is a waste of time and energy accomplishing absolutely nothing. Well, meditation is much simpler than most people realize, yet much more powerful than they could ever imagine. The only way to get a true glimpse into the true wonder of meditation is to begin experiencing it for yourself. Meditation Basics The most basic, and perhaps most profound, form of meditation involves just you and your breath. You simply sit down, preferably in a cross-legged meditative form, with a straight back posture (sitting against a wall or chair can help with this). Once you are comfortable, you begin a deep, flowing breath. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the nose or mouth. As you breath, maintain your focus on the breath. This is your center of attention. At first, your mind will start wandering around from thought to thought. This is what is known as the “monkey mind.” As your thoughts go from what you want for dinner to what your co-worker said yesterday, don’t judge or get discouraged. Simply return your awareness to your breath as often and consistently as needed. You are training your mind to focus. This practice sounds easy, but most certainly is not. The mind does not appreciate your first attempts at controlling it. But like a well-trained animal, it will soon become your best friend and biggest ally if you just keep going and centering your focus.
Masters of Meditation
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The Tantra Warrior
This is a dynamic community of Tantric Warriors! We help and support each other on our path of spiritual, sexual, and energetic growth.
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