Apr 15 (edited) in WINS!
I wrote a book last week... because my son needed one.
When I asked my youngest what he was currently reading, he mentioned a book that he'd already read before that he liked as he was without any new books that caught his interest.
All of my kids have a reading session every day so they always have their current book.
Seeing that he was going back to a book already, I had an idea: Well, I'll just write him a new one.
When I was finished some 9 total hours later, "The Quest for the Golden Virtues" was complete.
It's only about 7000 words, a "novelette" by author standards, but it was written for pre-teen boys and focuses on sharing the kind of values I support.
See, if you wish to call yourself "creative", you need to be a creator. And if a creator is what you claim to be, you must have CREATIONS to show for it.
I'm not an incredible author. I can be perfect next time. I will, however, put my doubts aside long enough to express gratitude for all I have by using it to create, every day.
I think I'll publish this one, too. Why not?
It's been a while since I published Tribalnomics, and that was super fun when I did.
Moral of the Story?
When you're trying to solve a problem for others, what you create will inherently have value.
THIS is being an entrepreneur.
I'll keep you updated on the book's process.
I'll also be doing a training on my Quick Book Method on the Three Roads Mastermind group later this month. All members of the group get access for free.
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Justin Garcia
I wrote a book last week... because my son needed one.
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