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TRM First Road: Identity is happening in 3 days
No selling in the DM's
Gents, this is a place to use the Three Roads system to master one's life and increase the profitability of your entrepreneurial efforts. This isn't a place to creep on people with your offers using someone else's group. Anybody selling in DM's will be banned from the group. If you aren't here to help the group, you just won't be here. 😂🤷🏻‍♂️
New comment Dec '23
Welcome! The Three Roads Tribe is a community where men get ongoing help from me, Master Chim, & my team to build the skills to become successful entrepreneurs. Here's what to do first: Step 1: Introduce yourself HERE with this copy/paste template (My answers are there as an example): (Name/Nickname) Justin "Master Chim" Garcia (Location) Pocono Mountains, but Bronx Bred (Biggest Strength) I Will Call ANYONE On Their Bullsh*t! (Current "Future" Strength) Patience For Those Who Refuse To Climb (What Inspired You to Join the TRT) Well, I didn't join it, but started it, and I did it to start creating more followers of the systems and strategies that I not only live by life by, but coach my highest level of coaching students with! Step 2: Go through this introduction module 😊! Best practices: 1) Have a profile photo. 2) Space out all your writings into single sentence paragraphs (like I'm doing here). 3) Welcome new members, make helpful posts, share your wins, and engage in the community to level up! Group Rules: 1) No Self Promotion 2) No Selling in the DM's 3) No Spamming the Community Feed
New comment Jan 2
Your Tribe Will Drive You!
You want to know the secret sauce behind real success? Spoiler alert: it’s not about stacking cash (though that’s cool too). The truth is, it’s your people who push you to be more than you’d ever be on your own. Yeah, we all think we’re self-driven, but let’s be honest... there’s a whole different gear you hit when someone’s counting on you. I’ve had plenty of business wins, but I’ve never been driven by dollars. If that were the case, life would be way simpler, right? But no... what gets me out of bed is knowing that my value helps others level up. That’s the real win, and it’s something money can’t measure. Funny thing is, when you’re responsible for more than just yourself, you start doing things you wouldn’t even do for your own benefit. Suddenly, their success becomes your fuel. Their feedback, your power-up. That’s the kind of drive you can’t fake or create in isolation. So here’s the takeaway: find your tribe, the ones who challenge you and rely on you. They’ll push you further than you’d ever go solo—and the rewards are deeper than anything you can cash in. Want my help? That's what THIS was designed to do.
New comment 8d ago
Your Tribe Will Drive You!
Introductions!: Thank you for the welcome into your dedicated and motivated group. Excited to learn amd grow as a whole.
Dylan "DOC G" Grimaud SLC, UT, BABY I am brutally honest with people, however, if I do offend. It is not intentional, it is simply to help people move forward with their close mindedness. Patience and understanding for the ignorant, and close minded.
New comment 8d ago
Balance is never found in one direction alone
The feedback of our wins designs the incentives of our systems. If being a winner means a big house, the means of getting it will be reflected in the choices you make. If being a winner means making a lot of money, the jobs you perform will reflect that goal. Any physical goal will produce a physical system to attain it. But what of a happy marriage? Healthy children? Positively energized days? What of those goals that elude the simple physical roadmap? Those goals require the balance found in a strong machine (mind/body), a supportive tribe, and the ability to create value congruent with one's identity. Like a tightrope walker relying on his balance pole, achieving balance isn’t about finding stillness... It’s about mastering the art of continuous adjustment. True balance is a state of dynamic imbalance, where constant corrections keep you on course. In my Pressure Process coaching program, these precise corrections have saved marriages, empowered fathers, and built thriving businesses. My proven systems and formulas are the tools that many men have used to maintain their balance, becoming stronger, more resilient, and "better" men as a result. From coaching student Oscar: "Not only has he been able to basically advance my company, but he's teaching me how to be a better leader business owner, just a better father, just a better person overall." I currently have ONE opening in my 1-on-1 Pressure Process coaching program. DM me here if interested and I'll send you an application. ⚡⚡⚡
Balance is never found in one direction alone
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Three Roads Tribe (Free)
The Three Roads Tribe is a community where men get ongoing help from me, Master Chim, & my team to build the skills to become successful entrepreneurs
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