Being Unshakable
Guys I wanted to share an experience I had over the weekend and what I uncovered about being unshakable. My wife was in a funk (sad) all day Sunday and Monday (don't need to go into details on that it's just for perspective). In the past I would fall into the sadness momentum and do what I could to "fix" the situation. Instead, through my work with Chris, I was able to put into practice the things I've learned in this work. I allowed my wife's sadness to impact me and empathized with her, understood that wasn't mine to hold onto and took care of myself with that understanding. I wasn't perfect at this process and what Chris and I uncovered together was that this process of empathizing and taking care of myself happens over and over again and my ability to allow that and take care of myself provides the strength needed for my wife to do her work and take care of herself. It is not my job to take care of or "fix" my wife, it is my job to ensure I'm taking care of myself and being Unshakable for my wife and our relationship. Being an Unshakable Man provides the strength those we interact with can use to take care of themselves and thereby create a strong co-creative relationship. While "knowing" this is good it is so important for me to get grounded in my body and feel this. Be Unshakable!!
Mike Messersmith
Being Unshakable
The Unshakable Man Program
High-Achieving Men: Become an unshakable leader through somatic group work and personalized 1:1 coaching!
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