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The Unshakable Man Program

Public • 136 • Free

11 contributions to The Unshakable Man Program
Thursday Group
@Kevin Jackson @Matthew Wayne great group tonight guys! I'm really proud of the way both of you showed up tonight...awesome work!!
New comment Jan 26
Men, I will not be in Group tonight. I have a work function.
New comment Jan 17
Welcome to Season 16 Gentlemen & Happy New Year!
“The problem in most situations is not a lack of calling; but a fear of responding to the call.” - Michael Meade Men in The Unshakable Man Program: We are beginning another seasonal process. Use this post to follow along in the program over the next 3 months. Every season is another invite and opportunity to discover and refine this mastery practice of becoming an Unshakable Man. To new men WELCOME! To returning men Welcome! We begin by answering the call! This is something we must learn to do. To men outside: Click here to schedule a free purpose and power session to explore joining the program. For men in the program > Getting Started START > Week 2: #Week 2: Returning To Practice Gentlemen - share your experience from week 2 below. Follow along in the program for each weekly theme and embodied practice. I'll follow up with each of you to schedule our self-leadership assessment. REMEMBER: NONE OF US HAVE TIME. WE ARE ALL HIGH-ACHIEVING MEN WITH RESPONSIBILITIES, CHALLENGES, TESTS, & ANXIETIES. THIS WORK IS MEANT TO INTEGRATE INTO OUR LIVES. THIS IS OUR UNSHAKABLE MISSION. WHEN IN DOUBT, REACH OUT, AND WE WILL FIGURE OUT HOW TO INTEGRATE THIS WORK INTO YOUR DEFAULT LIFE AS IT IS. Wednesday Group: @Christopher Wilson @David Shepherd @Daniel Wayne @Alok Singh @Kyle Melchior Thursday Group: @Christopher Wilson @Kevin Jackson @Mike Messersmith @Jim Burke @Matthew Wayne @Isaac Bauer @Israel Waldrop Welcome - First Group 3/14!!!! Not committed to a group: @Faris Oweis
New comment Jan 17
1 like • Jan 4
@David Shepherd I love this! The resistance is real and I love that you still did the practice. It's like so often how i may not feel like going to group and then after I go because of my commitment I'm so glad I did. These parts are well rooted and I love how you've identified yours and are working with them. Keep up the great work!!
2 likes • Jan 17
@Alok Singh you my friend are on the path!
Any luck with the "Purpose and Power" session?
I received a text message tonight for the 30-minute "Purpose and Power" session, jumped on it, and its registration has no openings through December 2024. Has anyone had any luck signing up for that? (I was introduced to this community through a Facebook ad but so far am I not finding much engagement and my first "opportunity" doesn't exist -- seems like I should move on to something legit, but I want to make sure I give this a fair shake first. Any successes?)
New comment Dec '23
1 like • Dec '23
@Eric Larson my apologies for the slow reply here. I want to welcome you to the community and offer any assistance I can. I’m available if you’d like to have a call to get aquainted and learn a little more about the community and what we have to offer. I look forward to meeting!
Being Unshakable
Guys I wanted to share an experience I had over the weekend and what I uncovered about being unshakable. My wife was in a funk (sad) all day Sunday and Monday (don't need to go into details on that it's just for perspective). In the past I would fall into the sadness momentum and do what I could to "fix" the situation. Instead, through my work with Chris, I was able to put into practice the things I've learned in this work. I allowed my wife's sadness to impact me and empathized with her, understood that wasn't mine to hold onto and took care of myself with that understanding. I wasn't perfect at this process and what Chris and I uncovered together was that this process of empathizing and taking care of myself happens over and over again and my ability to allow that and take care of myself provides the strength needed for my wife to do her work and take care of herself. It is not my job to take care of or "fix" my wife, it is my job to ensure I'm taking care of myself and being Unshakable for my wife and our relationship. Being an Unshakable Man provides the strength those we interact with can use to take care of themselves and thereby create a strong co-creative relationship. While "knowing" this is good it is so important for me to get grounded in my body and feel this. Be Unshakable!!
New comment Sep '23
1 like • Sep '23
I'm still working on that inner process. Lynnette and I discussed this very situation the other day and she shed some light into some areas of that inner process I want to work on. While I think I held the space for myself pretty well I don't think I held that space for her as well as I could have. I forgot the most important part of our work, "What are you feeling, where are you feeling it and what do you need". So, my stretch going forward is to allow the feelings to come to me. Feel those feelings without judgment and without the need to "fix" anything. Tend to myself and mend whatever there is to mend. Then when practicing this with my wife ensure I ask her what she needs. I'm sure there is more and I welcome discussion around this in any of the groups I am a part of. Be Unshakable!!
1 like • Sep '23
Something that came up for me as I was exploring this is something I have adhered to for several years. This is a quote from Abraham Hicks, "You cannot get poor enough to help poor people thrive or sick enough to help sick people get well. You only ever uplift from your position of strength and clarity and alignment.” This kept going through my mind when Lynnette was feeling sad...I kept saying to myself I can't get sad enough to make her happy. I can only take care of myself and through that take care of her. And that brings me to one more quote by Eckert Tolle, "The present moment is as it is, always. Can you let it be?" Be Unshakable!!
1-10 of 11
Mike Messersmith
40points to level up
I am a human becoming and through TUM becoming more the man I want to be.

Active 161d ago
Joined Jul 13, 2023
Seguin, TX
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