The Write Mindset
Private group
1 member
Writing a fiction book is like running an ultramarathon... during a Russian winter.
You need to decide on 4 very important things:
  1. What do I write about?
  2. How do I write the book?
  3. What do I do with the book once I finish it?
  4. If it gets published, how do I tell people about it?
What if you could watch someone go through the entire process, break down each step, and answer questions you have along the way?
If that interests you, then The Write Mindset is the perfect community for you!
I'll also share notes from my Personal Knowledge Management system which contains expert advice from content creators* such as:
  • Dakota Robertson
  • Nicholas Cole and Dickie Bush
  • Dan Koe
  • And more...
But instead of just listing their advice I'm going to:
  • add my own insights
  • point out common themes/patterns the creators discuss
  • apply their digital writing advice to fiction genres
What are you waiting for? Join my community and become part of a one-in-a-lifetime learning experience!
*not affiliated
The Write Mindset
Join me as I write a book and self-publish it. I'll teach as I learn and share my PKM notes. I'll combine digital writing and fictional writing.
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