The Yellow Pill Society
Public group
49 members
What if there was a way to become rich, do work that you love, and enjoy a meaningful life without having to trade your happiness and well being for it?
The good news is, you don't need to sell your soul.
Just take the Yellow Pill, and wake up to the happy truth.
The Yellow Pill Society is for those who believe in the power of playing the infinite sum game, of maximizing output and optimizing for the long run.
In this society we play a very specific kind of game: We play long term games with long term people.
The goal? Be wealthy, healthy, happy.
Let's get you rich first. Let's solve your money problems by changing your views about the world and how money works.
Then let's get you healthy. Because a rich person can want a million different things, but a sick person only wants one.
Lastly, let's make sure you are happy and enjoying your journey to extreme wealth and good health. Because if you're not enjoying the one life you're living, what's the point?
Ready to take your Yellow Pill?
The Yellow Pill Society
If you're an ambitious divergent thinker and you want to play the infinite sum game and become wealthy, healthy and happy with us, welcome home.
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