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Welcome! Introduce yourself + what disaster/event are you most concerned about?
Welcome everyone! As you can see, we're still under construction. I highly recommend checking out the classroom tab above. ☝️ There, you'll find an early class I put together for basic preparedness. I also did a live class on "Disaster Planning" over a year ago here in Pennsylvania. I highly recommend turning on "captions." The sound quality isn't the greatest. I want to thank you all! Feel free to share any information on preparedness, disasters, etc. This was created to build community and share ideas and information to help us with what's on the horizon. Chris aka The Emergency Expert
New comment 2d ago
Transfer switches
Edit: figured out the vid link. Our cold step apprentice asked me about backfeed today after I was talking about having someone blow up a set of our grounds in Oregon last winter when they turned on their generator. It got me thinking, I dont think I have ever heard anyone explain the WHY you need to have a transfer switch in between your house and your service drop. Also no, just flipping your breakers is not sufficient. This was 100% off the top of my head and Ive been known to get into the weeds without knowing it.
New comment 15d ago
Transfer switches
"EMP Proofing" Large Electronics on the cheap
@Randall Whitney Brought up some good points in his introduction about needing a way to EMP proof large electronics equipment, but a lot of the "faraday bag" options on the internet dont have the best reviews. One hack I've found for this is "EMP Proofing" large metal office cabinets. Often times these pop up used on facebook market place for $10 or even free sometimes if companies are moving out of office spaces quickly. There's a lot of nuance to EMP; if you guys would like me to go into this further, let me know! I'll do a video.
New comment 14h ago
"EMP Proofing" Large Electronics on the cheap
Vehicle Gear
Hey Fam, I was curious what folks keep in their cars for preparedness gear. I have a get home bag with supplies such as emergency blankets, fire starter, water filter, paracord, big first aid/trauma kit, headlamp, knife, etc. Also in the car is a stop box for firearms. At some point I will get traction aides, a dedicated car gun, compass, state road maps, and some other things that are escaping me (not in that order) What's in your car/truck?
New Video in the Classroom
New video on planning.
New comment 1d ago
New Video in the Classroom
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Prepared Today, Thrive Tomorrow- emergency preparedness, disaster planning, long term survival, being self-sufficient, and personal development.
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