The Real Estate Syndicate
Private group
215 members
$20 /month
🚨Open to the public for a limited time 🚨
Real estate agents are feeling more alone then ever before in this business - new regulations, managing your schedule, cold calls, which CRM? & the list goes on β€” and trying to have a normal life ? Forget about it!
Agents are leaving the industry at an alarming rate typically because they don't receive the additional support they need to manage a successful business.
So with the help of Top Performing Coaches and Agents β€”The Real Estate Syndicate was formed to ensure agents reach their first $100k in sales volume!
What you get when you join:
⭐ WEEKLY Live virtual mastermind calls .
🏁 Open Discussion with Top Producing real estate professionals
⭐ Support from the community
🏁 Networking opportunities.
⭐A pulse on the markets around you.
🏁 Resource Hub
We can help you streamline your systems and processes so that you can start living life on your terms with more freedom and flexibility !
Join now and we will see you on the inside!
The Real Estate Syndicate
We are a community where Real Estate Professionals achieve their sales volume goals year over year! 🏑
Join the community where real estate agents win
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