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Hello! Welcome to ThirdEntry Mastermind Community. I'm glad you're here. The goal of this community is to help you (business owner) "Make" more money, "Keep" your clients/patients and "Grow" your business. We aim to make this Free mastermind community better than courses that cost 1000's of dollars. In return, we ask that you help us by spreading the word about this community to other business owners you may know who want to expand their businesses. While most business owners are crawling into a foxhole with a "wait and see" mentality, we will expand our businesses during the recession and show you how to do the same 💥 Being part of this group, you can double, triple even quadruple your business in the next 90 days or less. How? It's about increasing the frequency of visits (we call them entries) to your place of business, and in the next few days, you will master the art and science of making it happen. Imagine this, instead of your customers, clients, or patients visiting your place of business 1 time per month (or year), you will give them reasons (irresistible offers) to visit twice a month (or twice per year). Doing that one thing, YOU'D DOUBLE YOUR BUSINESS OVERNIGHT! What if they came in 3 times per month (or three times per year) instead of 1... Your business would be triple the size it is now. And we'll show you how. We believe in expansion, not contraction. After creating your profile with a picture and a short bio about yourself, check out these links: - Classroom - Roadmap - Mission - Resources - Want help with implementation? Click here to book a Zoom with Jeff. To kick things off, please comment below introducing yourself. Tell us: 1. Your name 2. What type of business do you have I look forward to seeing you in the comments!
New comment Apr '23
🚀 Start Here 🚀
🌶️ Read This If You Are A Service Professional 🌶️
If you're a service professional and want to stand apart from your competition in an overcrowded market, start your own community and add value to your prospects and clients. Funnels and webinars are dead; this is the best way to create a relationship with your ideal client. In your private community (like this), you can demonstrate how you can help them by helping them first without asking for anything in return. Like it or now, we are in the expert economy, and your ideal clients want to follow a leader. They want someone to show them what is possible in their life. Your members want a leader that will connect them with other members who are just like them. They want to be part of a collaborative community, and you become the leader. This is your best chance to make an impact and create trust-matured prospects who are pre-disposed to do business with you and become your client. Instead of being the hunter, you'll become the hunted. Watch the short video, and I'll show you how to start your community.
New comment Apr '23
Consider this...
Change is almost always seen as negative, and stagnation is interpreted as "stability." I mention this because in today's marketplace, you've got to pivot and change.
Kicking Things Off
Being a business professional myself for 8 years now, finding an easy but effective way to stay in front of my current and even past clients was always a challenge. Email open rate were awful, direct mail was hit and miss but texting is where it's at. Thanks for helping me Jeff
New comment Apr '23
ThirdEntry Roadmap
Here's what your journey looks like: Step 1: Irresistible offer Step 2: Urgency Step 3: Call to action Step 4: Automation Step 5: Segmentation Step 6: Sequence Step 7: Capture Step 8: Convert Step 9: Close
New comment Apr '23
ThirdEntry Roadmap
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ThirdEntry Mastermind
A Friendly Helping Community of Foward-Thinking Professional Service Providers Who Want To Grow Their Businesses in 2023
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