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🟣VIP Call w Benny (Ted's COO) is happening in 15 hours
My Why
Hi. I found this place via Ted Carr's Contentpreneur Skool. I'm here because these are important skills to have. I don't want to hold a sales position, but I want to know how to sell -- and sell well! A month ago, I decided to strike out on my own. I'm considering some kind of coaching (working on figuring out a niche and offer). I'm also learning how to build AI automations. Not yet sure where I'll pivot, but I'm absolutely done with what I've been doing for the past 5 years. I'm tired of being broke and having an unhealthy relationship with money. I was raised that wanting more than X amount is greedy thus bad. (I'm realizing that this doesn't have to be the case.) Professionally, I've been underpaid and underutilized for so long, my self-worth is kind of shot. I'm working hard to go from a scarcity mindset to an abundance one. I'm at a point where I want to make "fuck you" amounts of money so I'm no longer at the mercy of others when it comes to financial well-being. I simply have to do it doing something I love and believe in. I also have a long-standing limiting belief that sales is inherently sleazy, which I know isn't always true. (Although it often is.) I need to reframe this belief, so I'm here to do that. I'm hoping being here will help me shift my paradigm so I can build the life I want and be in a position to help others build the lives they want. Thank you for attending my TED talk.
New comment Jul 31
My Why
I was told about COO by a friend. They said it's really educational and I'm curious to know what COO stands for.
New comment Jul 28
How buying a Skool course made me $150K
I see a lot of new faces in Top Setter looking to become DM Setters and Closers. 365 days ago I was making $0/mo Today i'm going to show you exactly what I did to go from looking to becoming a setter. To making $150,000 in 2023 setting and closing. First thing I did was look around for a course and someone I could pay to quickly teach me everything I needed to know to become a top setter. I invested $2.5k in a course a lot like Top Setter. As I was going through the modules I would post about my learnings and like other people's posts in the community. This led to a lot of DM conversations with people with similar goals. My network was growing. I continued going through the course and getting on calls with new friends in the group My posts outperformed everyone else because I was friends with everyone. The creator of the group ended up reaching out to me after I climbed to the top of the leader board and we started chatting and becoming friends as well. After a couple 1:1 zoom calls he asked me if i'd be interested in meeting a friend of his looking for a setter. I accepted the opportunity (Even though I was a bit nervous) and in a days time I was on a zoom with Ted Carr, a millionaire successful online business owner who was looking for a setter. We hit it off and on January 1st 2023 I began running his DM's. I have since gone on to run his Discovery Calls, then go on to become a closer. I was responsible for 85% of all sales in 2023 totaling over $600,000 in cash collected for the company. I have also gone on to build a team of DM Setters, Discovery Callers, and Closers that are helping us scale past the average $65,000/month last year, to $330,000 a month by EOY. None of this would be possible had I not invested in that course. Refusing to invest in my own skills would have kept me making $0 a month. I am here to play my part and share all the knowledge i've learned on my journey for free. I truly hope this course provides value. Until next time,
20 members have voted
New comment Jun 20
My why
Hey everyone. Loving this community so far! Here is my why: I value freedom and flexibility. I believe they are the pillars of living a healthy life. I have family scattered all around the world including a younger brother who I currently feel like I am missing seeing growing up so I want to be closer to him. I have an amazing supportive girlfriend with whom I want to go through life living experiences together not just seeing each other at the end of our day after our 9-5.
New comment May 21
My why
I am more of a video guy, enjoy 🙃
New comment May 17
My why
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COO Mastery
COO Mastery is the place to develop every skill needed to combine forces with successful CEO's.
Build your hard skills and find your CEO.
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