New Member Introduction
Hey Everyone, and Welcome Piao & Cameron! Bethany and I are excited and grateful to have you both here in this community!
As new members join, please feel free to share what has drawn you to Trackstars Lounge as well as something you are excited/hoping to learn here in this community. Tell us about yourselves, we are looking forward to getting to know you!
I'll start. My names is Dani, also known as Auxphelia. As a musician, composer, and producer with over 10 years in the music & entertainment industry, one of my goals is to simplify, consolidate, share and teach methods I have found that have greatly expedited my workflow, creativity, professional portfolio, and maximize all monetization potential regarding these outlets and more.
I feel a well rounded and developed understanding of these aspects will lead to a solid foundation of success, longevity, and multiple your options, whether you are looking for a side hustle or create something long term and deep - rooted.
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Dani Drucker
New Member Introduction
Trackstars Lounge
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