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🌟 Saturday Night Thought Provoker! 🏆🎶
Hey TrackStars community! This week, let’s dive deep into a fascinating topic: Did you know that some of the most legendary musicians like Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, Paul McCartney, Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder, John Lennon, and Bob Dylan admit to not knowing how to read sheet music? 🤯 What does this reveal about the essence of true artistry? Here are a few questions to get our conversation rolling: 1. Intuition vs. Education: How does the ability to create music without reading sheet music highlight the importance of emotional expression? Could this shape how we approach artist development today? 2. AI in Music Creation: As AI tools increasingly compose music, what implications does this have for artists who thrive on intuition over traditional methods? How can AI stir up creativity rather than stifle it? 3. Collaboration's Role: Many of these artists collaborated to shape their sound. How does teamwork?collaboration enhance artistic growth, especially for those who might not have formal training? 4. Access and Innovation: If great musicians can create without formal education, how can we make music-making more accessible for everyone? How can AI help in this process? 5. Defining Authenticity: With the rise of AI-generated music, what do YOU think defines an 'authentic' artist today? Can raw emotion and creativity outshine traditional skills? We want to hear your thoughts, experiences, and insights! Let's make this a vibrant discussion. Share your opinions, tag your fellow Trackstars, and let’s get the conversation going! 🌌✨ #TrackStars #MusicCreation #AIandArtistry #SaturdayNightChat
Welcome New Member
Welcome New Member @Javi Gonzalez! 🏅🔥 We are thrilled to have you here at Trackstars, and look forward to collaborating & sharing some insights regarding the creative power and income driven capabilities that lie within AI. We would love to hear what you're willing to share! What are a few things you're passionate about? What has drawn you to learning about AI? How do you feel deepening your understanding of AI could be beneficial to you personally?
New comment 3d ago
New Members Announcement🚨💎
Hello & Happy Tuesday, Trackstars! I always look forward to Tuesdays because it’s our special day to welcome new members! Today, we’re thrilled to introduce four incredible individuals: @Alexa Teo , @Jester Bell, @Zola Anine , and @Jane Kelly ! Each of you bring unique talents, backgrounds, & perspectives, and we are grateful for your future contributions that will help enrich the Trackstars Community. We can’t wait to learn more about you! Tell us about yourselves, what drew you here? How do you see your unique experiences shaping the contributions you'll bring to our community? And what excites you most about the creative synergy between AI and music? Welcome aboard!🏆 🌟🎶
New comment 5d ago
Saturday Night Insights!!
✨Good Evening And Happy Saturday, Trackstars! Every Saturday, we’re diving into fresh ideas, creative insights, and thought-provoking conversations! No set theme—just a space to explore, share, and connect over new and exciting topics that align AI, production, creativity, and more! Join us for something inspiring each weekend! 🎉 #SaturdayVibes” For this weeks post, I’d really like to share with you and provoke some thought regarding a private corporate event I worked this weekend. I was hired to installed, run , design and operate this client’s lighting rig for the main event, which included 2 show days at a private resort. I can’t go into specifics about the client because I signed a non disclosure contract to accept my position. However I can share with you, tips and takeaways from this event! The following is the mission statement of the client (in this case the client a major international company, not a singular person). I’ve attached their mission statement so you can understand what they do, how deeply this company runs internationally, and to provide you some background of the types services they provide to other companies, without giving too much information or being in breach of my contract. -“With offices in 151 countries and more than 364,000 people, we are among the leading professional services networks in the world. We help organizations and individuals create the value they are looking for, by delivering quality in Assurance, Tax and Advisory services.” The point of this specific event, was for all the leaders of each corporate office from different worldwide locations, to congregate at one event to discuss the companies progress & share, analyze, and report company data. As I sat through the production while operating the lighting rig, my ears perked up as the CEO started to share with the audience company analytics that they received and developed all by using, you guessed it… AI !!! The entire topic for the 2nd day of this session was about how this company is able to expedite database development & growth of major world wide / globals systems, all from the assistance of AI. In fact, these guys were talking about AI as if it was their secret weapon! And I couldn’t help but to think, “If one of our top global and economic leaders have had major success in production, profit and perspective of their own systems by the help of AI, imagine how much we as individuals can also accomplish and expedite in our own lives and work flows.” Also.. we are diving into AI at such an early and amazing time, and we will only progress as we continue to learn. Thus being said, my first question to the Trackstars community this Saturday is:
New Member Introduction
Hey Everyone, and Welcome Piao & Cameron! Bethany and I are excited and grateful to have you both here in this community! As new members join, please feel free to share what has drawn you to Trackstars Lounge as well as something you are excited/hoping to learn here in this community. Tell us about yourselves, we are looking forward to getting to know you! I'll start. My names is Dani, also known as Auxphelia. As a musician, composer, and producer with over 10 years in the music & entertainment industry, one of my goals is to simplify, consolidate, share and teach methods I have found that have greatly expedited my workflow, creativity, professional portfolio, and maximize all monetization potential regarding these outlets and more. I feel a well rounded and developed understanding of these aspects will lead to a solid foundation of success, longevity, and multiple your options, whether you are looking for a side hustle or create something long term and deep - rooted.
New comment 16d ago
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