Saturday Night Insights!!
✨Good Evening And Happy Saturday, Trackstars!
Every Saturday, we’re diving into fresh ideas, creative insights, and thought-provoking conversations! No set theme—just a space to explore, share, and connect over new and exciting topics that align AI, production, creativity, and more! Join us for something inspiring each weekend! 🎉 #SaturdayVibes”
For this weeks post, I’d really like to share with you and provoke some thought regarding a private corporate event I worked this weekend. I was hired to installed, run , design and operate this client’s lighting rig for the main event, which included 2 show days at a private resort. I can’t go into specifics about the client because I signed a non disclosure contract to accept my position. However I can share with you, tips and takeaways from this event!
The following is the mission statement of the client (in this case the client a major international company, not a singular person). I’ve attached their mission statement so you can understand what they do, how deeply this company runs internationally, and to provide you some background of the types services they provide to other companies, without giving too much information or being in breach of my contract.
-“With offices in 151 countries and more than 364,000 people, we are among the leading professional services networks in the world. We help organizations and individuals create the value they are looking for, by delivering quality in Assurance, Tax and Advisory services.”
The point of this specific event, was for all the leaders of each corporate office from different worldwide locations, to congregate at one event to discuss the companies progress & share, analyze, and report company data.
As I sat through the production while operating the lighting rig, my ears perked up as the CEO started to share with the audience company analytics that they received and developed all by using, you guessed it… AI !!!
The entire topic for the 2nd day of this session was about how this company is able to expedite database development & growth of major world wide / globals systems, all from the assistance of AI. In fact, these guys were talking about AI as if it was their secret weapon! And I couldn’t help but to think, “If one of our top global and economic leaders have had major success in production, profit and perspective of their own systems by the help of AI, imagine how much we as individuals can also accomplish and expedite in our own lives and work flows.” Also.. we are diving into AI at such an early and amazing time, and we will only progress as we continue to learn. Thus being said, my first question to the Trackstars community this Saturday is:
When considering the realm of Ai and all its potential, is there any creative way you have started to use AI to help you with not only your music and creative tasks, but anything else at all? The reason I ask this question, is because during this past gig, I realized, that even though my perspective has been open to using AI, perhaps it wasn’t open enough. I then understood my it perspective of Ai had been limited, because I put the AI in this category of a box of the things I “thought” it could do for me. But I realized, I had to take away this imaginary box. Ai is capable of helping you do or create anything you can describe.
I’ll give you a recent example of how I used AI (at this past gig) to help me with a tremendous task that if I hadn’t completed, it could have potentially had a terrible outcome on the entire show. A little background: When your handed the task of building an entire show, with multiple departments ( audio, video, graphics, lighting, rigging, etc.) it is typically prepped for, weeks in advanced. The gear thats need to make the show run is prepped, labeled, and calculated off show site, then shipped to the show location to be assembled. As the lighting designer, weeks in advanced I was given an list of the gear and equipment I would be provided to be expected to know, install and operate for the show. The lighting console on the list was called a GrandMa3, one I have used before. But when I arrived to the show site, I was greeted with a completely different lighting console that I now had to shift my preparations to a complete different controlled device. I can’t lie guys, I had a lot of question about this console, and time was of the essence. The console I was given is not what was expected and was a piece of gear thats older than me.. But you know the saying, the show must go on! So do not panic, just make it happen.
After returning to google to find answers to questions regarding this piece of gear that is new to me, but old to lighting world, I started to get nervous because there wasn’t that much info out there… nothing at all on youtube. But I was able to find the manual online which consisted of over 500 pages. So I copied the manual pages, threw it into an Ai, and listed the questions I had on this console to make the show run. Instead of me reading 500 pages, I had my answers generated in 30 seconds and I completed the install smoother than I could ever imagine. Beyond extant undermines the feeling I had at that moment! I was insanely grateful for Ai because I have such a limited time space to do my job, there are multiple departments that rely on my finished tasks to complete their own. I am capable of learning directly from a manual, but without Ai it could have taken hours, which I simply didn’t have.
So how about you, Trackstars? How have you creatively used Ai to help you with any of your music, productions and even daily tasks!? Please share your own tricks and creative Ai moves! Has anyone else considered using Ai to help expedite a learning process or goal! We love hearing your personal stories and experiences!
I’ve attached a short video clip of this show. Logos have been blurred for company privacy. Feel free to check it out!
Dani Drucker
Saturday Night Insights!!
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