If your not doing content daily on social media your 100% leaving money on the table, this doesn't mean from your business page, but rather from your own personal pages on social media. It's cliche but true - people buy from people, 95% of our inbound enquiries in our marketing agency arrive inbound from personal pages, not our companies page. So understanding that its your personal page that needs work is the starting point, planning and executing on the delivery of daily content from that page is then a whole other challenge. One thing that will certainly help is a content calendar, like everything else in your business, if you plan it out meticulously, then executing becomes a whole lot easier. Sit down for an hour on a Sunday evening or Monday morning and plan out your content for the week, get it documented on the content calendar then hold yourself to account on the delivery against it (post it in here for that extra level of accountability). Here is an example template you can use in Canva: https://www.canva.com/design/DAFyLHzJUKY/7kJ8XS2mJ6maNlnH_McPjA/view?utm_content=DAFyLHzJUKY&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink&mode=preview