中文翻譯: 當我通過考試倉拿到分潤倉後,我心想終於能夠賺到真金白銀了,所以我急於打出獲利並出金。然而,在我的前幾筆交易中,我不但沒有賺到錢,反而因為太急沒有遵守該有的紀律交易得很糟糕,現在我的分潤倉總體呈現-2%左右。我發現問題並回測的交易,我意識到我沒有遵守平常的交易方式,太急著賺到錢。我從應該只做勝率最高的紐約時段變成開始全天交易違反了我的交易紀律。這讓我壓力重重,產生恐懼,並且離分潤的目標越來越遠。我從這次經驗學到的是,沒有理由急於賺錢。只要遵守並執行我原有的紀律,我知道我最終是能達成我的目標的。我認為ICT本人的這條推文對我們是一個很好的建議與提醒: English Translation: After passing my funded account, I wanted to finally have some money come in from my hard work trading, so I was in a rush to get a payout. Instead of making money on my first few trades, I traded really badly, and my funded account is now slightly down a few percent. Looking at my journal, I realized I was deviating from my normal trading style to try and make money faster. I started to trade all day, instead of only trading the new york session. This made me more stressed, more fearful, and set me farther from my goal of getting a payout. What I learnt from this is that there is no reason to rush myself to make money. As long as I stick to what works for me, I know that I can achieve my goals in time. I think this tweet by ICT is a good reminder for us: