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Welcome To Tradie Business Developers
This is a community of trade business owners. In this community, you will have access to expert business owners, financial advisors, sales professionals, marketing consultants, accountants and much more. This allows you to get information that will help you grow your business and personal financial position. This group restricts the promotion of products or services from anyone. Twice a month we will have experts join us to give presentations on topics you want answers to where you will have the opportunity to ask whatever you like. Also with this group, you will get; - Access to a trusted network of advisors who have helped generate 100s of thousands for clients - A recommended list of providers to make growing your business a breeze - Marketing and lead generation education - Agency protection, we can help you pick agencies and services that will help you grow as opposed to ruining your business - We will bust myths and show you easy and simple ways to grow The first 10 members get in for 9.90 per month and it will go up 10 dollars every 20 members. Some skills and information that you will learn in this community that is worth 100s of thousands. - How to build partnerships - How to sell - How to co-sell - How to build affiliate partnerships - How to market your Tradie business using Google Business - How your website should look - How your website and sales process should be integrated - How to set up your company to minimise tax - How to make your money work harder for you - What marketing solutions you need and when - How to make your business profitable - How to save money - How to structure bank accounts - Tax advice And anything more, if there is something else you want to know just ask below and I’ll find you the right expert to answer your questions. After joining please do the following so you can get the best out of this community. 1. Fill out the partnerships document -
If your starting your business in a new area or from scratch
This is what I normally do when my mates go to launch. 1. Build a partnership list of builders, buyers advocates, plumbers, sparkies, landscapers and anything else you can think of. Either reach out to them on Instagram or call them from their Google profile. 2. Next I would set up your Google Business Profile and set it to an actual location like your house. Collect as many reviews as possible. Most of my mates get between 10 and 20 calls a month just from this. 3. Next thing In the process is to optimise your website for SEO, targeting keywords related to your local suburbs. 4. Google Ads or Facebook Ads. Everyone one of these methods work. I would start in this order and try avoid getting to stage 4 because it costs the most.
Hey lads, a very profitable way to get clients is to try and form partnerships with builders, real estates, suppliers and other Tradies. This example below is a real example where the builder got back in touch straight away and said that he would like something quoted. Process 1. Find a list of 50 - 100 people to message. 2. Send them tailored messages. 3. Track how well it went over a 2 month period. Tip - Use a spreadsheet to track 4. if it worked do it again. Hey mate, I'm Luke the owner of (insert company) I come across your page and seen you do a lot of nice work. I know most builders have a painter they regularly use but if you've got any jobs you'd like done or quoted coming up I'd love the chance to show you our work. If you're working local I'd love to call in to one of your sites to introduce myself. My number is (insert number here) Cheers, Luke
What would you like to see more about?
I have got lots of connections of people in the marketing, tax and sales space. What sort of topics would you like to learn more about? Vote below and I’ll set it up. Have a good weekend ⚡️
4 members have voted
New comment Jun 28
How to get more local leads for your business
Here is a quick video on how I normally go about setting up businesses properly from the start. Once you get the foundations in place all you need to do is add new channels of getting leads. We normally start with referrals and Google Business. Once we have some work coming in and our clients want to scale you can start adding more channels that compliment the foundations you set up at the start. I have set this up for more than 30 businesses over the past 2 years so I know it works. If you have any questions on any of this info please send me a message.
How to get more local leads for your business
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