Treasure Valley Buy-Sell-Trade
Private group
2 members
🎉Welcome to the New Treasure Valley’s Buy-Sell-Trade Community!🎉
Tired of scams and sketchy deals? We’ve got you covered! 🙌
💰For just $1 per month, you get a safer, scam-free marketplace. By charging a small fee, we’re able to keep out scammers & ensure a more trustworthy experience for everyone.
🔒Every member is invested in keeping this space positive & reliable, so you can feel confident & safe when meeting in person for exchanges.🛒💥
Real buyers, real sellers, real value.🤝
Treasure Valley Buy-Sell-Trade
Join our exclusive Buy, Sell, Trade community on Skool — Safer, scam-free exchanges! Quality deals, trusted Treasure Valley members.
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