Trybe Company Culture Academy
Private group
12 members
📣 Startup & Skool Founders > Attract Your Dream Team + Grow Your Business
❌ Avoid having to fire the wrong people and toxic cultures
❌ Avoid decreased productivity and lack of innovation
❌ Avoid financial loss and hassle of re-hiring + re-training
🤩 Create your own unique company vision + values + culture strategy
✅ Attract and retain top talent by creating a culture people love to be part of
✅ Maximize profits through a motivated and engaged team and
✅ Lead a productive, innovative and thriving workplace + community
What’s Inside Trybe’s Skool Community:
🌟 HIRING STRATEGIES that attract top talent
🌟 LEADERSHIP STRATEGIES ready to manage your dream team from Day 1
🌟 CULTURE STRATEGIES to unlock creativity + innovation
✔️ 2x LIVE weekly community calls
✔️ On-demand, expert courses to get your culture ready for your dream team
✔️ A Trybe of other founders/leaders
✔️ Unlock FREE 1:1 calls with Trybe Founders
Join Trybe Company Culture Academy > Attract Your Dream Team + Grow Your Business
Trybe Company Culture Academy
Helping founders with team expansion and team management. Attract and retain people who are the right fit for your company vision and values.
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