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Welcome To Undeniable Creators (Free)
Hi everyone! Thank you so much for joining the community. We are incredibly grateful to have you as part of our brotherhood. Here's some important information: - All available lessons can be found in the "Classroom." - Live calls will be listed in the "Calendar." - Bookmark this Skool community and check it daily to stay updated on new lessons and an opportunity to socialize with fellow creators. - Download the Skool app for easy access and real-time updates. - Let us know which topics you’d like to see covered in-depth in future video lessons. - If you have any questions, feel free to DM us here or on Telegram. - When posting, please select the appropriate category. Thanks again for being here!
Who are you?!
Let's hear more about you, copy and paste this template, and fill in the blanks. Let's go! 👇 Who Am I? ❓ 📈 What’s your main goal as a creator/entrepreneur/freelancer? 📺 What’s one thing that might be holding you back? 🤔 What are your expectations of this community? 👉 Social media link: (YouTube, Instagram, etc)
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New comment Aug 8
Asset Packs
Hey guys, check out our asset packs. In these google drive folders you will have access to our motivational clips folder, our music folder and our ultimate editing pack with over 50GB of video editing assets to get you started with your video editing journey. Motivational Clips: Ultimate Editing Pack: Music Pack:
Do this 5 min trick to improve your videos 📈
This is a really quick and easy tip you can do for literally less than 5 min (if you’re good), and it will make the chance of your video going viral by MINIMUM 10x! (just think about that for a second… 10 times more likely!) [[]] And the trick is: Make sure that the clip you’re gong to edit is actually going viral atm. [[]] What many beginners editors do in the start of their Instagram page journey is that they try to reinvent the wheel. This might be something you’re doing. You’re trying to find clips that is not going viral atm and you try to “create a trend”. This is SUUUPER hard to do, and 9/10 times you have to be a big page in the beginning to be able to do this (like 100k followers+). So what I would recommend you to do is to just use clips that are going viral atm anyway. (This is how you do it 👇): 1. To go to the biggest pages in your niche (3-5 is more than enough) 2. Find a clip that all of the pages have posted (and gotten good views) 3. Then that’s a clip you can use [[]] This is SO easy to do, but it will help you get more viral videos to your page. Which ultimately will grow your page and you will reach your goals. As an action step right now, go to the 3-5 biggest pages in your niche and find that viral clips that you can use in your next video. Try it out right now! 👊
Use this to get ahead in life 📈
If you got informed today that you only had 6 months more left to live... What would you stop doing, what would you start doing, who would you spend time with, who would you stop talking to, what would you stop being afraid of, etc? These questions is so powerful since it shows you what you actually value. And the biggest satisfaction we can have in life is when we match our life goals and value together. We do the action that aligns with our goals and our values. What do you value, journal about it. [[]] For me, the most valuable thing in my life is my time. After journaling these questions, I found out that I would stop wasting time doing stupid stuff, I would stop talking to people that don't help be towards my goals, and I would spend MORE time with people that gives me energy or just makes me feel in a better mood. So that's what I will start doing in my own life. Spending my time more wisely. [[]] What did you figure out you value the most?
Use this to get ahead in life 📈
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Undeniable Creators (Lite)
New to video editing? Join our free community designed for beginners to learn the basics, develop intermediate skills, and gain confidence in editing.
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