Private group
1 member
$199 /month
Niche: Enlightened Tech Education for Holistic Development
Target Audience: Individuals interested in the intersection of technology, personal growth, and social impact.
Unique Value Proposition: Offering a comprehensive learning platform that integrates AI education, spiritual growth, coding skills, and financial literacy to empower individuals to become conscious creators and ethical leaders in the age of artificial general intelligence (AGI).
Content Pillars:
  1. AI for Good: Educational content to teach people about AI, Ethical AI,.. etc. Become AI consultant and work for commissions with us.
  2. Spiritual Intelligence: Courses and resources that explore multiple spiritual dimensions
  3. Coding with Purpose: Coding tutorials and projects at all levels.
  4. Wealth and Wisdom: Financial education about money and cryptocurrencies. History of money, blockchain, and crypto explained. NUAH Wallet.
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AI education, spiritual growth, coding skills, and financial literacy to empower you to become a conscious creator and ethical leader in the AI age.
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