How To: Unstoppable Morning
How does UNSTOPPABLE MORNING work to make you Unstoppable all day long? Revisit this post until you have mastered your Unstoppable Morning. If you haven't read "Only 7% succeed! How to be one of them" ... Start there! Then come back to this post. UNSTOPPABLE MORNING was developed out of a need to solve my own procrastination, lack of focus and self-discipline to get more done, make more money, get in shape, and live my mission. Like most people, I can be intensely focused - When I want to be. But how can you be focused and productive when you don’t want to be. When it is easier to procrastinate with social media, Netflix series binge watching, YouTube videos, cleaning the house, or some other distraction. This Unstoppable Morning routine has been the reason that I was able to run across America, 100 marathons in 100 days. Broke the world record running through Death Valley, the hottest place on the place, write books, become a leader in self-mastery, sell millions in programs. Plus I travel the world working from my laptop. No joke: This is a game changer for everyone who does it! I studied most every expert, book, article and post to see what the difference is between those who succeed and those who struggle. Why some are rich and why some are always broke. Some books are life changing. Most info out there, especially on social media, is truly 💩. I discovered through my own experimentation, that most ideas sound good, but they will only keep you busy ... but not making forward progress. Busy will never make you rich. But, direction and action will. Busy will never get you to your goals and dreams. But a purpose driven mission will. After years of testing, a run across America, and a world record later, and creating several successful businesses, I developed an optimal routine for a Unstoppable Morning. That means, an Unstoppable Body, an Unstoppable Mind, and Unstoppable Soul. That all means a life filled with inner peace, happiness, health and wealth.