Sep '23 (edited) in General
New Video Series on Songwriting and Music Production - First Video Out Now!🚀🎶💡
Hi Everyone,
I hope this message finds you all well! I know I haven't been active on the community for a while, but I want to assure you that I haven’t forgotten about any of you. Indeed, I’ve been diligently working on a series of videos that I’m creating with all of you in mind. It took a considerable amount of time to prepare and shoot all the video material needed for the series, but I’ve done it! The first video of the series is out now on YouTube for you to watch, and the next videos are being edited and will be out soon.
I'm thrilled to bring you 'Part 1' of this enlightening video series where I’ll walk you through the intricate journey of songwriting and music production! In this series, I'll reveal the multitude of issues I encounter at every step of the process, demonstrating the pitfalls you might fall into, and unraveling the solutions to navigate them effectively. 🛠️🎵
As we delve deep into various aspects of music production—arrangement, sound design, vocal production, or mixing—you’ll have the opportunity to witness the transformation of my track in real-time! I encourage you to listen closely to the nuanced improvements with every tweak and adjustment, observing how each step culminates in a well-rounded, professionally produced track that strikes a chord emotionally. 🌟🔊
This series is not merely a tutorial; it’s a real-time expedition through the highs and lows of music creation. Whether you are addressing arrangement lethargy or harmonic dissonance, the series offers a plethora of insights and resolutions. Each episode is meticulously designed to provide you with a clearer perspective on rectifying the issues within your own songs and compositions.
So, buckle up! Not only will you accumulate a wealth of knowledge, but you'll also be entertained watching me traverse through this fascinating process. By the end of this journey, you’ll be well-equipped with the know-how to breathe life into your tracks and elevate them to professional standards! 🚀🎶💡
Before signing off, I encourage you to watch the video on YouTube, and to leave your comments and questions there instead of in this community thread. I love hearing from you, and your insights and curiosity help shape our community. Moreover, engaging directly on YouTube helps with the platform's algorithm! If you know peers who might be interested in this, please do share the video with them. Producing content like this requires a significant investment of time, effort, and resources, so if you find it valuable, please support me by helping the channel grow and ensuring my voice is heard. This way, I can continue creating and providing more high-quality content free for you to watch. Your support means the world to me, and it’s what enables me to share my knowledge and passion with all of you!
Stay tuned, and don’t miss out on this opportunity to refine your musical skills and knowledge!
Thank you,
P.S. After watching the YouTube video, I’d appreciate it if you could participate in a quick poll to help me understand if you enjoy this content. If you do like it, please also consider leaving a ‘like’ on the YouTube video. Your feedback is invaluable! Thank you!
Absolutely loved this type of content - Please create more content like this!
It's alright – I'm neutral about this type of content.
Not my cup of tea – I'd prefer different content.
6 votes
Leonardo Caminati
New Video Series on Songwriting and Music Production - First Video Out Now!🚀🎶💡
UYE Songwriting & Production
Engage in songwriting, production, and ear training to level up your skills. Sharpen your intuitive musical prowess with us!
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