Hey, I’m Santi πŸ‘‹
My real name is Aaron John, I’m from the Philippines, and I've been editing on and off for about 6 months now.
I’m currently making about $0 per month from video editing and I want to be making $3000.
I started editing using Capcut (lol) I was making shorts about interesting facts got it to about 250 subs and my most viewed short got 9.6k views, but this time I want to lock-in I'm currently learning Premier Pro and After Effects right now (stuck in tutorial hell 🀣) I want to be able to make my ideas come to life but right now I'm just confused on how I should learn step by step to become the editor I want to be, that why I joined here so Thanks for having me 😁.
I want to improve my editing career in these areas:
  1. make my ideas come to life
  2. visual storytelling
  3. smooth animation
For fun, I like to:
  1. watch anime
  2. play video games (Retro Jrpg)
  3. edit videos
Here is a picture of my workspace:
Aaron John Santelices
Hey, I’m Santi πŸ‘‹
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