As some of you will recall, I am just a Chippie who happens to live and work in and around West Sussex.
Hard life for some I know. The views, the bugs and the unyielding exposure to the elements, oh and the views.
Rural Sussex is full of listed and historic structures. It just so happens that I have a particular set of skills that enables me to do carry out joinery and carpentry repairs on such buildings. Sales, marketing and general business skills are lacking though. Hence I am here and ask stupid questions.
Attached is my first effort at direct marketing. I have some time this week and time from lead generation to commencing project is a long game in this field. Namely due to national park status and the need for listed building consent.
I intend to go out with this form and complete a quick visual of desired properties and list areas that require work that I can provide. I also have the list of listed buildings in the parishes I am going to visit ( really pretty and wealthy ones). If a building is listed I will add the listing number and status along with the house name and street address. I hope this shows that I am not just a hopeless canvasser and that I am offering a solution to problems that exist to a specific inhabitant.
You will also notice that I have offered to accept enquiries beyond the webpage. Reasoning is that many of these are older and/or in areas with reduced WiFi/data/mobile service.
Critiques by reply please.
I have broad shoulders, I can take the hits. Probably