Lets grow your audience
You must see yourself as a business, as a brand if you want to live as an artist. Think of Salvador Dali. The man had an image, a vibe, a mystique. All of this was calculated. “The Ramones knew what they would look like before they knew what they would sound like.” Lets fuckin’ go, y’all!!
The BEST way to grow an audience today is to start a YouTube channel. You know more than you think you do — and people will learn so much from you. Who is your audience? It’s the YOU from two years ago. Hell, six months ago. Start a YouTube channel and document your Hero’s Journey. Watch the video below, and create your YouTube Channel. Post your first video on a topic only you could teach. Make it sloppy, make it real. Fuck perfection! Say yes to doin’ the thing. Post your video below so we can learn from you and cheer you on.
We will offer feedback if you like, but the important thing is You Did It!
Punk Rock lied to you
Alec Hawkins
Lets grow your audience
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