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Q&A with Alec is happening in 5 days
Welcome to Werecat (Start Here)
Welcome! Werecat is a community where aspiring artists get ongoing help from me & my team to become full-time artists. Here's what to do first: Step 1: Introduce yourself below with this copy/paste template: What's your nickname? Where are you from? Biggest strength? Biggest weakness? What do you do? What's your goal inside this community? What triggered you to sign up? (Was it an email, IG post, Skool post?) Step 2: Go through this introduction module 😊! Best practices: 1) Have a profile photo. 2) Space out all your writings into single sentence paragraphs (like I'm doing here). 3) Welcome new members, make helpful posts, share your wins, and engage in the community to level up! Group Rules: 1) No Self Promotion 2) No Selling in the DM's 3) No Spamming the Community Feed
New comment 18d ago
I changed one thing
The Podcast Professor got me from 64 views in 6 days to 1.4K views in 4 hours 👇
New comment 14d ago
I changed one thing
Are you posting YouTube Shorts?
Great convo with Trish Evans this morning. She’s getting 400x the views on her shortform content using these counterintuitive hacks. Implement these today and lets compare notes!
New comment 14d ago
Are you posting YouTube Shorts?
Where’s Your YouTube QR Code?
YouTube dropped QR codes for creators today 💥 Here’s how to find yours: Navigate to the “You” tab on the bottom menu of the YouTube app. Tap the chip under your handle that says “Share Channel.” Tap “QR Code.” From there, you can even save the code to your phone’s camera roll for easy access. People who want to share your QR code can find it by tapping the 3-dot menu on the channel’s page > Share > QR Code. These codes are scannable both on and offline.
New comment 15d ago
Where’s Your YouTube QR Code?
How do we master fear?
"Resistance has no strength of its own. Every ounce of juice it possesses comes from us. We feed it with power by our fear of it. Master that fear and we conquer resistance." Steven Pressfield We master fear by doing the hard things. The hard things that we believe will get us what we know we want. Think of it as exposure therapy. Acclaimed actor Henry Fonda never got over his stage fright but he kept performing and achieved the esteem of his peers as a result. Jewelry designer Kendra Scott was turned down again and again by outlets -- but she persevered and her business empire is now a global phenomenon. But what about you? Here's a great exercise to get you started, especially when you don't know what it is you want to do. Talk to people. I'm serious. Next time you see someone you find interesting -- talk to them. Walk up to that total stranger and ask them about themselves. If you think, "He looks cool. I wonder how he learned to dress like that?" Or, "Dang, her hair is cute. I want to know how she did that." If you have any thoughts like that about a total stranger, approach and compliment them. Be curious. No one cares if you're nervous or trip over your words. If anything, people will think it's charming and sincere. People will like you. People will be impressed by your courage. If you've read this far, I already know you're a real one. So get out in the world today and gift people your presence. The Kingdom of Heaven is Within, y'all. Change YOU, Change the world . . .
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