Make the most out of the WHAM courses
Going through sales courses and reading books can feel overwhelming. It can feel like there is more forgetting going on then learning.
Our brain is a "forgetting machine" because more information means more calories burnt.
The only thing the brain actually remembers is information it deems relevant.
The same goes for learning—if the brain doesn't find relevance in the information, it will forget it.
You can find relevance in the information by connecting it to your personal life (because we value ourselves above anything else).
You can do this by asking three simple questions:
  1. What problem am I trying to solve?
  2. Why is this important? (You can ask this about the problems you're looking to solve and the techniques that help solve them.)
  3. How does it relate? (To the big picture, to the problem I'm trying to solve, to other topics, etc.)
Then go out and apply -> Get feedback -> repeat!
Hope this helps!
Abdullah Sajjad
Make the most out of the WHAM courses
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