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The Weekly Mastermind is happening in 17 hours
STEP 1: Read This First LEGEND!👇
Welcome on board legend! Before starting your "14-day paid community challenge" you'll need to complete a few steps to equip yourself for maximum success with Your Paid Community. [Yes, this will take some time, but these are required steps to complete for your own benefit] 1️⃣STEP #1: Book Your Free Onboarding Call With The Paid Community Specialist 2️⃣STEP #2: Introduce Yourself To The Community [ACCESS TEMPLATE HERE] 3️⃣STEP #3: Start Your 14-Day Paid Community Challenge 📗*RULES INSIDE THE COMMUNITY:* - Members who are inactive for more than 7 days, will be removed. - No advertising or selling inside the community. There are two scenarios after the 14 days: 1. You just got motivated for a bit and joined, but didn’t follow through with the challenge. 2. You got motivated and through discipline completed the 14-day challenge - now you have your own community with its first members and have built the greatest asset for yourself long-term. Cheers to your success!🏅
New comment 2d ago
STEP 1: Read This First LEGEND!👇
Weekly Mastermind
Can't wait for my first weekly mastermind. Looking forward to meeting other people on the journey to a successful paid community.
New comment 2d ago
Something worth considering...
What comes easy won't last and what lasts won't come easy!
Something worth considering...
Party time🧾
Funny enough he is a guy i used to work with, we ran into each other on the train and after some conversation realized he’d be a perfect person for the membership.
New comment 6d ago
Party time🧾
Hey guys! This week's mastermind call will be moved to next Tuesday as many of you said you can't make it. Considering that we're an international community, we'll make the mastermind calls at 6 pm Vienna time so everyone across the world can make it. Please head to "calendar" and add the new event time to your calendar. P.S. - The Tuesday's mastermind is going to be legendary!!!! We'll share insights from the last 10 days of the new systems we implemented across a few communities. One of them allowed one of our clients to be one of the first community owners who sold annual subscription🙈 Our previous mastermind was Fireballs!!! @Lawrence Harris took a big action afterward and got 21 new members in his community.🏆 See you on Tuesday!
New comment 6d ago
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