EXTRACTING TOXIC ENERGY CORDS Workshop + Intuitive Reading
Are you feeling overloaded, lethargic or energetically depleted? Invasive undetectable energies that have corded you may be to blame. But you don't have to remain victim to those cords that drain your energy causing cellular toxicity, DNA-instability, Light Body irregularities and more!
I've designed the Extracting Toxic Cords Workshop to help free you from those bioplasmic cords and destructive energies that partner with them: https://academyforthesoulstation.com/extractingcords/
Through this workshop you'll not only identify the intrusive bioplasmic cords, discover WHY they were placed there in the first place, but you'll carefully Extract them vs. Cutting!
Click this Link: https://academyforthesoulstation.com/extractingcords/ and listen to the interview where I share all about it. Sign up and get your personal intuitive reading about your #1 toxic cord -- so you can clear it immediately, in the workshop.
This is essential knowledge being made available to you now so you can experience Freedom, Vitality and Illumination as your True Sacred Self.
During this Live workshop, we'll gather as a group with Archangel Metatron and Metatron’s cube to move deeply into your body and aura...especially in your Bioplasmic field. You’ll extract hundreds of cords that hinder your energy field from functioning and flowing properly. Plus the #1 main toxic cord -- because your Higher Self will tell me exactly which one is causing the most trouble for you.
Our EXTRACTING TOXIC ENERGY CORDS Workshop is coming up on Sunday, January 14th at 12pm PT/ 3pm ET
(Please note: you don’t need to be present to get the full value of the energies, so if you need to listen to the replay it is very effective with Metatron's Cube always being called in real time.)
Grab the BONUS with me where you’ll get your personal intuitive reading - it’s your personal Higher Self reading of your #1 emotion of attachment present in your cords which is vital -- because it’s the Most toxic.
I’ll indicate the root of that emotion and whether it presents itself as a:
-Stream with a unique point of origin, or a
-Web with multiple origins in your past timeline and genealogical lines.
This is deep clearing work that will change your life...Here’s why… As you ‘open’ to the higher vibrations, dimensions and realities - you evolve and it’s a part of that process of course…
But it requires you to be in a constant need to Adapt...due to the consistent external penetrating stimulation.
And when you can’t adapt fast enough, you become stressed and the Bioplasmic membrane weakens - becoming more vulnerable and this impacts your physical body.
You then have limited resources to be on the perimeter monitoring that which wants to invade you. As you become stressed your discerning mind weakens and the subconscious patterns take you over.
Click this link: https://academyforthesoulstation.com/extractingcords/ to get all of the cords and old remnants of cords that have been knocking your body/being off its path to Illumination.
You'll be supporting your body, bioplasmic body and Being fully and deeply at all levels, supporting your physical body to merge with your Higher Self Truth for Sacred Soul Illumination.
In the Light,
PS. The workshop is soon so you must act now to get in on your personal intuitive reading with me and your Higher Self so you can shift it right in the Workshop. https://academyforthesoulstation.com/extractingcords/
==================================================================================Hello Brilliant Star, It’s become increasingly common knowledge that when we connect with another we generate etheric cords between each other. This occurs in pretty much every situation we find ourselves in – from romantic relationships, to colleagues, casual acquaintances…even our beloved pets. If it exists and you relate to it, there’s likely some kind of cord created between you and it.
But is this healthy or toxic? What’s really driving this cord to connect and how do you know if it’s supporting your energetic growth, expansion and Connection with the Divine or stifling it?
...And is ‘Cutting’ safe? Is it really that simple, or is there a more energetically suitable way to rid yourself of an unhealthy, Toxic cord…
During sessions, I'd find remnants of cords lingering in the chakras of the client and they would claim to have ‘already cut them’ -- they sincerely thought that just the simple technique of cutting would work, but it didn’t. Metatron’s Cube revealed to me that we must Extract...and there’s an appropriate way to do that ensuring that it will Not return.
NEW VITAL INFORMATION: It’s important to Extract the Cord instead of Cutting -- this is HUGE and needs to be addressed! MOST importantly, you need to know HOW to energetically extract the cord appropriately.
I've designed a workshop specifically for this - so you can extract your toxic energy cords and all the remnants! It's happening soon - you can get in here: https://academyforthesoulstation.com/extractingcords/
The remnants of these toxic energy cords can literally cause these things and more:
~ ‘Kill your cells’...damaging your body’s flow of life force through your meridians and That inhibits your communication at the most subtle levels.
~ Prevent you from attracting what’s rightfully yours because the space is already ‘taken’ by something or someone else.
~ Throw off your Consciousness -- as your body/being has to use other means to convey internal messages to you because it can’t use the regular channels, it requires so much effort and energy to feel connected to the Divine.
I’ve done thorough research on how to Extract the cords in a Healthy way that’s supportive to both parties involved -- INSTEAD of cutting them. Metatron’s Cube has been a primary force in helping me recognize the importance of this and do it in a Holistic way.
You can benefit from what I've discovered - click to learn more: https://academyforthesoulstation.com/extractingcords/
We’re being Called to something NEW -- to Re-Partner with Higher self...there’s an opportunity here to work with the Cosmic energy as the new energy plasma wave flows in.
We can use this energy to support the health of our bioplasmic body (which is what cords are made of)...Then we can Create new and different ways of engaging energetically with others. We will use this new Cosmic Plasma energy to build out our personal light body and support a greater Opening of the Cosmic Heart -- in Unity Consciousness.
This is an empowering way to generate more consistent vitality by remaining in your sovereign energetic vibration. This enhances your capacity to authentically be in relationship with others in a healthy way. Release your toxic cords and enhance your vitality here: https://academyforthesoulstation.com/extractingcords/
Love and Light,
P.S. It's your time to release all those toxic remnants to bring you into greater internal wholeness and live your Truth. I've got the keys - you can get them here: https://academyforthesoulstation.com/extractingcords/
P.P.S. ALSO, I'll intuitively read your #1 emotion of attachment present in your cords..
She'll indicate the root of that emotion and whether it presents itself as a:
  • Stream with a unique point of origin OR
  • Web with multiple origins in your past timeline and genealogical lines
Please note: This will be a personal recording of your intuitive reading which you’ll receive prior to the Extracting Toxic Cords Workshop.
Christel Hughes
EXTRACTING TOXIC ENERGY CORDS Workshop + Intuitive Reading
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