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GFC4 Live with Matthew John is happening in 23 hours
Whew…are we being pushed to process at the speed of light or what?! Not joking, I’m hearing so much feedback that peeps are finding it difficult to keep up and keep track of things. Especially trying to keep their body feeling good amongst so many new frequencies presented to process. We're accelerating so quickly -- that if we aren't priming our body + subtle energy systems -- then the body’s having to shut down to integrate the new energies. It’s not that these energies are meant to hurt, harm you or even cause your nervous system to ‘crash’ -- No, they’re actually wanting to support you with coming into an advanced state of being a New Dimensional Human. The Earth is on a trajectory of Evolution - as are You - and it’s upgrading to a New Dimensional state - as are You - IF you’re willing to upgrade in the specific way that’ll have you ‘keep up’. Yes, you’re feeling the urgency to keep up because that’s what the Earth is asking of you now. Amanda Hopkins and I have found a way to support you with these new dimensional energies that are flowing into our atmosphere and how to specifically process them by Upgrading in the right way. Check out our UPGRADING CRANIAL CONSCIOUSNESS Workshop You’ll need to upgrade your Cranial Consciousness to be able to Process the New Dimensional energies in an instant, just as the Divine has intended. We created this Workshop to do just that -- but in a way that will give your body a break -- Plus Support your body, brain and entire being:
New comment 9d ago
Releasing Inflammation & Celestial Joint Revitalization Workshop (Sun. August 25th at 1pm PT with Christel and Amanda)
Inflammation is a natural body response and essential for healing and repair when faced with an injury or illness. Chronic inflammation however can have long-lasting, damaging effects on the body that leave you stiff, inflexible and even incapacitated at times if pain becomes severe. For true relief, we must address the consciousness and conditions that are precursors to inappropriate inflammation responses in the body and that have you chronically inflamed - in pain + constriction that immobilizes your body to some degree. Then move into removing inflammation from the body and resetting it to flow Celestial Light frequencies that seek to upgrade your entire body movement and flow! Join us ( @Christel Hughes and @Amanda Hopkins ) for this empowering workshop where we'll dissolve the energetics that trigger inappropriate inflammatory responses in the body and lock in chronic inflammation that ultimately breaks down your cells: In the workshop you'll systematically work through specific joints with the support of ArchAngel Metatron and Metatron's Cube for clearings in your: - Fingers and Toes: Start with the smallest articulations, such as the joints in your fingers and toes. Visualize Metatron's Cube enveloping these joints, its patterns gently sweeping through, dissolving any inflammation. Feel a sense of lightness and flexibility returning to these areas. - Wrists and Ankles: Move to the wrists and ankles, where mobility and flexibility are crucial. Envision the cube's energy penetrating deeply, clearing away any stagnant energy or discomfort. Sense the joints becoming supple and rejuvenated. - Elbows and Knees: Proceed to the larger joints of the elbows and knees. Allow Metatron's Cube to work its magic, releasing tension and inflammation stored within these pivotal joints. Feel the joints aligning and balancing energetically. - Shoulders and Hips: Focus on the shoulders and hips, where major movements originate. Visualize the cube's patterns expanding, reaching deep into these joints, and dissolving any residual inflammation. Experience a newfound sense of freedom and ease in movement. - Spine: Address the spine, the central axis of your body's energy flow. Envision Metatron's Cube tracing along the vertebrae, clearing energetic blockages and restoring harmony to the spinal joints. Feel the spine lengthening and aligning effortlessly.
New comment 17d ago
Releasing Inflammation & Celestial Joint Revitalization Workshop (Sun. August 25th at 1pm PT with Christel and Amanda)
Unclogging Your Liver Workshop for Divine Regeneration - Sat. August 24th at 11am PT
Your liver is so phenomenal, performing over 500 functions in your body ~ when it's function is compromised your body suffers and can have you chasing down symptoms that won't go away because they actually trace back to you liver! Not only does this have a tremendous physical impact, but your liver also serves as a conduit for your intuition. Click this link and listen in to the interview to learn more here: Here's some of what you'll discover when you listen in: - Your resilience - ability to bounce back + face difficulties head on without retreating or getting distracted - is directly related to your Liver health - Your energy and drive to keep going (persistence) are both gleaned from the liver - fatigue is the most common symptom you experience when the liver is compromised! - Your skin and eyes reflect the health of your liver - physically and energetically, this includes your ability to set healthy boundaries and have a clear Vision + direction - Your Liver is home to your Ethereal Soul (the Soul component that lives on even after your body dies) which is in charge of your intuition - with full connection and availability to your Ethereal Soul, your body can sense the subtle realms - Effectively processing your emotions and transforming your mindset (getting rid of old beliefs that do not serve you) requires your energetic liver - doing so reduces the stress response in your body which promotes a healthy physical liver Get all of these insights and more on the replay page here: The liver is being taxed in a major way right now so I felt the call to offer up this workshop that will serve the highest flow and function of your liver. That way you can elegantly navigate the major transformations happening for you, enabling you to effectively assimilate and utilize heightened light codes awakening within you now!
New comment 19d ago
Unclogging Your Liver Workshop for Divine Regeneration - Sat. August 24th at 11am PT
Upgrading your Psycho-Spiritual Network Workshop (Sat. Aug. 17 at 12pm PT)
At the whims of the aches, pains and ailments of your body? If you feel like you never know how your body will be feeling or what to expect with your health, it's time to dismantle the associated patterns lodged in your physical body tissues that are driving your cellular operations.: In the upcoming workshop you'll purge out 4 major false dynamics that cause your body to demonstrate paradigms of: - Powerlessness - feeling like there's no choice or 'I have no control' - Being a victim - of circumstances, your environment, genetics, and so on - Fear and Not feeling safe - feeling closed off, constricted or weak - Self-doubt, distrusting your own insight and intuition, feeling like your not your own authority These paradigms create major issues primarily with your digestion, spine and nervous system... your body reflects through these major systems that there are deeper issues requiring your attention. Join me to shift those and relieve the physical ailments that are caused by depleted flow in your solar plexus/power center: You'll experience Systemic Flow Restoration + Cellular Illumination: ~ Restore and replenish vital energy flow to the spaces of the body that had been previously blocked due to the insidious paradigms associated with the 4 major false dynamics previously listed ~ Infuse and integrate specific crystalline light energies designed to enhance lifeforce flow through Solar Plexus ~ Deepen your sense of empowerment, capacity to discern what's most aligned and in the highest good for you, and enhance your ability to trust + act on your intuitive nudges in the gut. ~ Increase and uplevel light flow through the Spine to ensure a foundation that's the ideal blend of strength, stability and flexibility! Jump in here:
New comment 29d ago
Upgrading your Psycho-Spiritual Network Workshop (Sat. Aug. 17 at 12pm PT)
Bladder & Sacral Chakra Bliss Workshop (Sun. Aug. 4th at 12pm PT) with Christel Hughes and Amanda Hopkins
Embark on a transformative journey with our 'Bladder & Sacral Chakra Bliss Workshop.' As we ride the waves of intensified Light, it's time to address deep-seated fears hindering your sense of safety and creativity, especially in the vital Upper & Lower realms of the Urinary Tract. This sacral chakra area is a direct reflection of your 2nd dimensional awareness and existence. When your stage of spiritual development is stunted due to experiences of shadow sacral chakra issues that haven’t been addressed fully, you’re incapacitated by the Downward dimensional force. It puts a veil of doubt and fear on your creative Sacral Soul light expression that instead wants to be healthy and flowing. That’s why we’ve created our BLADDER & SACRAL CHAKRA BLISS Workshop: Your ability to cleanse, release and channel high life force hinges on a foundation of trust rooted in your Soul Light. You absolutely must have a strong, healthy and vital dimensional foundation in the 1st & 2nd dimensional realms to tap into the Full power of your Soul Light. So let’s get you free to activate those dimensional realms in your body so you can live out your Soul Light purpose in the most Blissful and Creative expression!! Remember your 2nd chakra is linked to your 5th chakra -- so 2nd dimension not being grounded in your body/being is impacting your capacity to reach the 5th dimension. Join us to establish the conditions for animating these vibrant frequencies within your body and energy systems by getting you liberated from 2nd dimensional downward forces related to 2nd chakra issues. It's time to awaken your Highest Creative Soul Flow and sustain vital health with a dash of Bliss! Sign up now to get your intuitive reading:
New comment Aug 11
Bladder & Sacral Chakra Bliss Workshop (Sun. Aug. 4th at 12pm PT) with Christel Hughes and Amanda Hopkins
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