Unclogging Your Liver Workshop for Divine Regeneration - Sat. August 24th at 11am PT
Your liver is so phenomenal, performing over 500 functions in your body ~ when it's function is compromised your body suffers and can have you chasing down symptoms that won't go away because they actually trace back to you liver!
Not only does this have a tremendous physical impact, but your liver also serves as a conduit for your intuition. Click this link and listen in to the interview to learn more here: https://academyforthesoul.com/amanda_liverworkshop/
Here's some of what you'll discover when you listen in:
  • Your resilience - ability to bounce back + face difficulties head on without retreating or getting distracted - is directly related to your Liver health
  • Your energy and drive to keep going (persistence) are both gleaned from the liver - fatigue is the most common symptom you experience when the liver is compromised!
  • Your skin and eyes reflect the health of your liver - physically and energetically, this includes your ability to set healthy boundaries and have a clear Vision + direction
  • Your Liver is home to your Ethereal Soul (the Soul component that lives on even after your body dies) which is in charge of your intuition - with full connection and availability to your Ethereal Soul, your body can sense the subtle realms
  • Effectively processing your emotions and transforming your mindset (getting rid of old beliefs that do not serve you) requires your energetic liver - doing so reduces the stress response in your body which promotes a healthy physical liver
Get all of these insights and more on the replay page here: https://academyforthesoul.com/amanda_liverworkshop/
The liver is being taxed in a major way right now so I felt the call to offer up this workshop that will serve the highest flow and function of your liver.
That way you can elegantly navigate the major transformations happening for you, enabling you to effectively assimilate and utilize heightened light codes awakening within you now!
Join me for the Unclogging Your Liver Workshop on Sat. March 30th at 1pm PT here: https://academyforthesoul.com/amanda_liverworkshop/
Amanda Hopkins
Unclogging Your Liver Workshop for Divine Regeneration - Sat. August 24th at 11am PT
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