Upgrading your Psycho-Spiritual Network Workshop (Sat. Aug. 17 at 12pm PT)
At the whims of the aches, pains and ailments of your body? If you feel like you never know how your body will be feeling or what to expect with your health, it's time to dismantle the associated patterns lodged in your physical body tissues that are driving your cellular operations.: https://academyforthesoul.com/amanda_upgradepsnworkshop/
In the upcoming workshop you'll purge out 4 major false dynamics that cause your body to demonstrate paradigms of:
  • Powerlessness - feeling like there's no choice or 'I have no control'
  • Being a victim - of circumstances, your environment, genetics, and so on
  • Fear and Not feeling safe - feeling closed off, constricted or weak
  • Self-doubt, distrusting your own insight and intuition, feeling like your not your own authority
These paradigms create major issues primarily with your digestion, spine and nervous system... your body reflects through these major systems that there are deeper issues requiring your attention.
Join me to shift those and relieve the physical ailments that are caused by depleted flow in your solar plexus/power center: https://academyforthesoul.com/amanda_upgradepsnworkshop/
You'll experience Systemic Flow Restoration + Cellular Illumination:
~ Restore and replenish vital energy flow to the spaces of the body that had been previously blocked due to the insidious paradigms associated with the 4 major false dynamics previously listed
~ Infuse and integrate specific crystalline light energies designed to enhance lifeforce flow through Solar Plexus
~ Deepen your sense of empowerment, capacity to discern what's most aligned and in the highest good for you, and enhance your ability to trust + act on your intuitive nudges in the gut.
~ Increase and uplevel light flow through the Spine to ensure a foundation that's the ideal blend of strength, stability and flexibility!
Amanda Hopkins
Upgrading your Psycho-Spiritual Network Workshop (Sat. Aug. 17 at 12pm PT)
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