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Breathx Underground

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Take back your mental, physical and spiritual health through structured breath and ancestral practices. Find yourself, come home to your body, & heal.


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45 contributions to Breathx Underground
Check ins and Wins!
Drop them below! Also how can I support you this week? What can I share, offer, create?
New comment 8h ago
Check ins and Wins!
0 likes • 8h
@Adrienne C each modality that has its “thing” wants to discredit the others that don’t use it. It’s a big indicator of insecurity. They all do it. Buteyko is just about as it is for everyone as Wim Hof… it’s not. Aspects of both are great, knowing where and when to apply them is what I do and what this program does. Assess the breath, breathwork isn’t guesswork.
Wins (Week 3)
Continues with the IRV/ERV stretch (x3) and have noticed that my thoracic rotation has improved slightly which is a nice win Also, I’ve managed to move onto CO2 Performance Level 3 and have achieved that fully once and the second time I pretty much did (lasted 1m 20s on the last breath after 15s recovery)
New comment 10h ago
0 likes • 10h
Level three already bro! That’s amazing. Let me know once that’s is easy, and I mean easy AF and I’ll make a video for how to progress it.
Alternate Nostril Breathing
This is no doubt a dumb question but I’m going to ask anyway 😊 how does Alternate Nostril breathing down regulate your nervous system? If my understanding is correct, one nostril stimulates and the other calms. So if you are using a constant breath for inhale and exhale, wouldn’t you stay as you as you are? Or is it a case of having a coherent breath will bring the nervous system into balance just by balancing the breath? I can understand a longer exhale bringing about down regulation, but haven’t quite got my head around this
New comment 10h ago
0 likes • 10h
The idea here would be creating balance within the nervous system, but also this breathing patterns main impact would be the restriction and slowing of the breath, plus focused nasal breathing and lengthened breathing rate. The idea of nasal dominance in my eyes if more of an indication and less of an influence… Does that make sense?
🌟 Breathx Zoom Party 🌟
Hola Breathx Crew, Saturday morning we are live again. Head over to the calendar and click "add to my schedule". It will adjust for your time zone and add to your calendar of your chosing. Let's get the questions flowing. What can we talk about? -Breath? -Mindset? -Clarity? -Anxiety? -Nutrition? -Movement? Anything else? Please check in below if you are committed to coming this week! Would love to have a bigger group.
New comment 4d ago
🌟 Breathx Zoom Party 🌟
0 likes • 10d
@Jackie Dorrian there will be for sure 👍🏼
1 like • 6d
Hey guys, I was on but had two people in the group that just kept saying “loading”, I’m not sure who’s connectivity it was, but I logged back off and couldn’t get back in. I have a few more weeks in the jungle and I’ll be in stable internet. Thanks for the patience as I do. PURA VIDA
Grief and death
Can anyone offer suggestions: I had a death in the family this week, very important person in my life . I regularly practice the one breath recovery however, I’m struggling, can’t hold for 5 seconds with out feeling like I’m gasping for air.
New comment 6d ago
1 like • 6d
First off, I'm sorry to hear this and I'm sending big love your way. And as far as what breath to do, I'd suggest milder. Once you're over the bend, you can add intentional stressors back, but grief/heartbreak are more than enough right now. Stick with some of the more embodied practices, I'm attaching one below. It's not in the trainings yet. Let me know how it goes. ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
1-10 of 45
Ryan Carroll
352points to level up
Breath and Ancestral Lifestyle Coach that helps people who tried everything, redefine their relationship to anxiety and gain total wellness

Active 8h ago
Joined Jul 13, 2024
Santa Teresa, Costa Rica
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